Capacity Objective
In its bedding, when she leaves to have Christ as bedding and passes to be based on one another person or object, how many people have faith that they go to receive something from God because the brother side received it? When this occurs, this person is keeping the heart in what she happened with another person forgetting themselves God and forgetting themselves that God is powerful to make much more for us of what what we ask for or think. These people are basing the faith of them for the faith that the other possesss, measuring, comparing, and forget that each one of us has a measure of faith given for God, therefore are being based on the blessing who the brother received and not in the abenoador not in the Capacity and Power Of it. The objective of the faith is deturpado when it leaves of being to please the God to please the man. For more information see this site: Bank of New York. The objective of the faith is not to please we, but the God and nobody more. It remembers what the bible speaks? without faith it is impossible to please the God (31) when the objective of our faith is to search you reward for we ourselves it is being deturpado. The objective of the faith is growth spiritual and material growth as does not have to be consequence of first and not contrary it. (32) The faith takes the believer to win the world (33) the justification of the believer is for the faith also power to be for the favour (34) material Growth is consequence of a life that pleases the God but we see today that the majority of the people is understanding that they need to grow materially first and that is this that God wants, clearly that God wants that the believer grows materially, but It wants first to see in the believer a growth spiritual before everything. .
Tags: religion