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Brazilian Academy

August 18, 2017 Comments Off on Brazilian Academy

Access in: 12 of October of 2009). In accordance with other information of the same site, the workmanship Pretty Girl of the Ribbon Bow can more be considered one of the translated awardees and, in diverse countries, of all the bibliography of Ana Maria Axe. According to words of the proper author, the idea of the history of this book appeared from a trick that it, and its two older children (Rodrigo and Peter), and browner, made with its just-been born son (Lusa), that he was branquinha coelhinho white of pelcia had gained one. Thus, they costumavam to play with the youngest child being used coelhinho to make tickles in the teeny one, questioning: Pretty girl of the ribbon bow, which the secret to be so branquinha? ; answering things of the type: it is why I fell in milk; because I ate rice excessively; because I painted myself with chalk etc. To the end of the trick, always they answered, more or less thus: Not, nothing of this, she was an Italian grandmother who gave to meat and bone for it Finally one day, the husband of the writer, whose profession was musician, hearing and observing this moment of descontrao, suggested that it would give Ana to write a music or a history with the trick.

The author if pleased of the opinion of the husband, however, it had the following thought: to write on (…) a pretty and blond girl, (…) White (…), already was expense excessively. nor has nothing to see with the reality of Brazil. I transformed then it into one prehad, and I made the necessary changes: the black ink, jabuticabas, the coffee, (…

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