Milk Products
In September 2008, the international media has leaked information about "different kinds of melamine contamination of food products (milk, infant formula, yogurt, candy, chocolate, tea beverages) in China, Singapore, New Zealand, Hong Kong, the Republic of Korea at concentrations up to 2560 mg / kg "(according to the of Food Safety Authorities (INFOSAN) WHO / FAO). It was noted that melamine was added to the food and animal feed in order to simulate a high protein content – one of the most important indicators of quality, which determine its nutritional value. The classic and still the only universally accepted method for determining protein Arbitration is the method of Kjeldahl (also known as a method for determining total nitrogen by Kjeldahl). Small molecule contains melamine in its structure, six nitrogen atoms, so even a small admixture of a chemical compound capable of create the illusion of a high nutritional value or foods. Thus, an analysis by the Kjeldahl method is nonselective to the nature of the nitrogen atoms, ie Not "see" the difference between the nitrogen of the protein or other origin. In the current situation – falsification of milk and dairy products with melamine – it was necessary to offer a highly selective, sensitive and accurate method for the analysis of melamine.
These methods, in particular, combined separation methods of analysis, including chromatography. On October 1, 2008 in the Russian Federation and approved November 1, 2008 will come into force "Supplement number 11 to SanPiN" according to which no allowed the presence of melamine in food (permissible level – less than 1 mg / kg). To determine the melamine in milk and milk products, the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare approved guidelines Municipal 4.1.2420-08 that establish HPLC method. Russian manufacturers of analytical instruments for the implementation of KMC 4.1.2420-08 offer to use their own production equipment, which allows solve the problem effectively, efficiently and economically. For the analysis of melamine is not only used HPLC method, but the method of capillary electrophoresis, which compared to the chromatographic separation is characterized by much higher resolution of the peaks, significantly lower cost than one definition, the absence of speakers, and problems with its replacement, in general, more simple practice of using the equipment while maintaining the same metrological parameters.
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