“The dramatic performance is a landlocked country in between, an intermediary between fantasy and reality. a The method is virtual but the experience is very real. a The Modalities dummy allows us to do things that are still out of reach in real life, such as expressing emotions feared, changing behaviors or exhibit new features. a Once we have experienced, albeit in fictional mode, these new experiences can be part of the repertoire of our real life. “a a (Emunah, 1994, p. 27). To deepen your understanding patrick dwyer merrill is the source.
Undoubtedly a Jacob Levy Moreno, to provide valuable lessons, therapies towards personal growth, as in the case of psychodrama, which, as Wikipedia reminds us, submitted to psychodrama as a new form of psychotherapy that can be widely applied. Psychodrama puts the patient on a stage, where you can solve their problems with the help of a few actors therapeutic. It is both a diagnostic and treatment. Blatner (1988, p. 1) as presented and psychodrama is a method of psychotherapy in which patients act out the key events of his life rather than just talking about them. This involves exploring in action, not only historical events, but what is most important, the dimensions of psychological events not normally covered in conventional drama: the unspoken thoughts, meetings with those who are not present, representations fantasies about what others may be feeling or thinking, a possible future imagined and many other aspects of the phenomena of human experience. Although psychodrama is often used within a group context and may be a useful method to catalyze the process group (and, in turn, be catalyzed by the group dynamics) should not be regarded as a form of therapy group specifically.
Tags: fantasy