Tag: the news

Natural Anti-Depressants

October 25, 2021 at 12:41 pmCategory:General

Oil that is an excellent antidepressant, without contraindications and of double action, which works like activator and energizante when it is used in little amount, and like sedative when it is used in greater amount? The essential oil obtained by the distillation of the flowers and the leaves is used mainly like nervous tonic being helpful in cases of weakness, lack of concentration, depression and headache l$p. 60? The oil of the plant whose intense aroma and delicious aid a to balance, to harmonize and to surpass the insecurities, besides being considered a smooth tonic for the heart having helped to calm and to alleviate to the sentimental misfortunes l$p. 63? The oil whose antiseptic properties, antisuffering from acne fungicides and (against the acne) accepted and are recognized by the department of health of Australia, besides being recognized by aromaterapeutas worldwide by versatility and its triple antiseptic effect against the bacteria, the fungi and the virus l$p. 71? The oil that has excellent effects on the respiratory tract, the digestive apparatus and the genito-urinary tract, and even antiseptic properties l$p. 77? The tree whose they start off has been used by centuries to deal with tens diseases and is known in their country origin like the pharmacy the town by his low cost, effectiveness and amount of diseases in which l$p. 80 can be used successfully? Because the essential oil of Sandalwood is so expensive – l$p. 65? One of noble oils but, powerful, and cash against estreptococo, genococo, neumococo, simple candida albicans, tricomona vaginalis and herpes l$p. 20? The fastest form to use the aromatherapy l$p. 17? The special method that was used the past in extrar essential oils of as delicate flowers as the Jasmin l$p. 12? What is the safe form but to use an oil l$p.

Medical Centers

August 22, 2020 at 6:18 pmCategory:General

And the Institutes and Medical Centers, integrated by the San jOse Hospital Complexion of Monterrey, the Medical Center Zambrano Hellion and its Institutes of High Specialty, as well as the Centers of Medical Attention (CAMs) they will continue being directed by Guillermo Tower Amione (MC” 85). The Director of the Technological one of Monterrey, the Director of the TecMilenio University, the Director of the Virtual University and the Chief of a main directorate of the Institutes and Medical Centers, will report to him directly to the Rectora of the Technological System of Monterrey, which will follow in charge of Rafael Rangel Sostmann until their successor is designated. The smaller doubt of the great development does not fit, projection of the Technological one, besides the roll that withdrawn his they have come realising and that the Technological one never neglected when it gave life him to a significant Association in his objectives, as it is to maintain united and informed to withdrawn his, concretely is Exatec association. All this is so excellent, in its roll, participation, as for example it contributes the Exatec news to us, that with the aim of awarding the effort and generosity of different Associations EXATEC and student groups to collaborate with the Technological one of Monterrey in the academic, cultural and sport activities, it carried out the delivery of the Prize Mter Soul, in which managers, employees, students, EXATEC and parents of family of the Institution met. For more specific information, check out starbucks in new york. This 2010, in the category of successful Power of attorney of bottoms, the prize was given to Association EXATEC Sonorense by its activities oriented to the continuous improvement of its members and to the well-being of its community. In order to fulfill this aim they organize events like Night of Restaurants or the Desentilicha Course your house Friendly Aligera your life with which they managed to completely collect grants by 766 thousand 230 pesos destined to the Withdrawn Network of Philanthropy of and of the Complexion.

It received the recognition Cecilia Bours Martinez (LSCA” 84, MA” 86), president of the Association. The Association EXATEC Yucatan, that presides over Ricardo Ascencio Maldonado (IAA” 83) and who received the prize in representation of the Association, were recognized in constant philanthropic the Participation category when realising diverse activities with the purpose of to support initiatives of the Technological one of Monterrey like the Communitarian Centers of Social Learning and Incubators. Between the activities that organized it is Encuentro de Negocios EXATEC. Go to hotel belleclaire for more information. In the category New initiative in philanthropy, the Prize Soul Mter 2010 was for the Association EXATEC Seattle, that works at the moment in the Ex–to-Grant a scholarship campaign towards the 70 Anniversary, with which they have seted out to collect 250 thousand dollars for 2013 and to donate them to his soul to mter in 70 anniversary of the Institution. The project for the collection of bottoms was born to suggestion of advisor Pedro Celis Villegas (ISC” 79). In representation of Association EXATEC Seattle the teacher Elda Quiroga Gonzlez (ISC” received the recognition; 87, MCC” 91). Doubtless, the Technological one of Monterrey is interesting case of study, especially, how this one has consolidated, developed, projected, it stays to the day in all the educative technical advances and how it has contributed to great aid for many not only for Mexico but other countries where withdrawn his they have collaborated significantly in his development. We did not doubt that the Technological one always will be taking the opportunities and its growth will be increasing.

Audio Dream

February 2, 2020 at 2:41 amCategory:General

The insomnia is an upheaval of the dream that at some time affects to very many people of permanent form and all person of the planet of its lives. Not only he is annoying, but it can be constituted in a serious threat for health, the work (because it affects the performance), humor, etc. What is the insomnia? Insomnia is the difficulty to initiate or to maintain the dream, or the lack of repairing dream. It is the upheaval of the most frequent dream and greater public health repercussion. The world-wide Organization for the Health, with respect to the insomnia enunciates 3 symptoms or characteristics to have account to determine that we have a case of insomnia: The alteration of the dream must at least occur three times to the week during at least a month. If you are not convinced, visit Greg Williamson. The existence of an excessive preoccupation, on not being able to sleep, that appears as much during the day as at night.

The unsatisfactory quality or amount of the dream produces a general malaise or interferes with the social functions and daily occupations. Many forms exist to manage to be a repairing sleepy, and in this article I will present/display a form to him forced that it to sleep. Before recommending that form to him I will give some basic ones him. Although a tired person will sleep au in rocks or earth, is recommendable that you have a sufficiently comfortable bed to extend and to move calmly by her. A ventilated good room, aid to make exercises much of breathing. A temperadita among 15 25 Celsius degrees will feel pleasant. As far as its clothes, this must be comfortable. The loose pieces are much better than pieces imprison than it.

In order to be a repairing sleepy it is important that you make exercise. An intense long walk by its neighbourhood a pair of hours before sleeping can help it to tire its physical body. He is recommendable that takes a shower that it takes a hot bath, before lying down. Now we happen to the strong plate. The technology makes impressive advances in many areas and one of them is as regards the brain. One has been that the brain responds to certain waves and that in certain frequencies the brain receives the order of ” duerme” , ” duerme”. Thanks to the ACOUSTIC TECHNOLOGY, to sleep calmly, the unique thing that you must do you are to listen Audio special Hearing aid, in its computer or reproducer of Mp3. After a pair of minutes to listen to it, you will be sleeping deeply. This technology is so outpost that does not require any special equipment and produces surprising results from the first time of use.

Park Vicente Garci

April 4, 2019 at 10:02 amCategory:General

In its rooms all that with its history is exposed during the War of the Ten Years. The architectonic structure of this Memorial has like characteristic that, in its main room, is the track of the original floor, whereas the patio of the house, the exhibition halls and the multipurpose hall conserve the colonial architecture. The historical center has a system of interesting places. One of great interest is the Martiana Place, built in 1995 and that consists of two elements of interest: the face of Jose Mart and a solar clock. The same owns a pedestal in the form of star. In one of its ends the face of Jose Mart is located. Its face, of bronze, was carved by the famous Cuban sculptor Rita Longa. The set every year illuminates day 19 of May to 2:30 p.m., hour and date in which the Apostle in the combat of Two Rivers fell, in a year 1895.

As far as the solar clock, of horizontal type, it is located in the 76? 57? of meridian of Greenwich. In the same the stations of the year are marked and are registered 275 dates, from the birth until the death of Jose Mart, all tie with its life. Another important place is the Cultural Place, also located in the oldest zone of the city. In the same three columns have been constructed, those that represent the occasions in which the city during the Wars of Independence was set afire. The parks are also interesting. One of them is the Antonio Maceo, also, constructed in 1912, the one that tells on a dedicated obelisk the martyrs of Independence. The same underwent some transformations until 1930, nowadays conserving the aspect of that date. Other that must be visited is the Park Vicente Garci’a, constructed in 1915 and who has become in center of the city.


March 31, 2019 at 1:56 pmCategory:General

It is his constant exposition to remain in " socialismo". We can admit that its tone comes near more to the social democracy, but the subject is not there. It is in which the third option cannot have an ideological mantle, that necessarily it must start off of the center to group around to his as much to centroizquierda as to centroderecha. In order to say it more indeed, the third option, if it wants to have success possibilities, must be desideologizada. The call group " Front with Venezuela" the conformation of one third option considers, but it does abiertamente from a left language, even somewhat of the past, and there it is satisfied like an alternative of the old left and not like the possibility of a great front that leaves from the center.

It is obvious that what I indicate not disqualifies them absolutely to comprise of the third option, disqualifies which them is for heading it, because a simple alternative of left with ideological exposition would not have the smaller opportunity of insurgir successfully. As also it is quite probable that some sectors of the traditional opposition can come before a sweeping advance of the new format. As it is necessary that the dissidence of bureaucracy, one reads PPT and personalities without commitments, can come, independent of which the PPT can corrode to bureaucracy in votes and deputies during the September fight. The encounter in center must be on two pragmatisms: to defeat the government and to make a government of exception for which a previous agreement has taken place. The capacity Unitarian is in center. And the central exposition must be the one of a deep political reform, the one of the construction of a democracy of these times. Of there, to derive the supply in economic matter and, obvious, which we could denominate with property " Plan of gobierno" , which is translated as concrete and specific solutions to the great problems that the nation crosses.

North American Independence

March 25, 2019 at 12:33 amCategory:General

It has the opportunity to demonstrate to the world which the black race is able to generate, to take passage to changes that favor to the United States and how this country is a guarantor for all those that look for the way of how to participate proactively in the world-wide economy that favors to them, without taking step to the operations, dependencies, threats. Either it has initiated his period president Obama, or begins the world to deposit his confidence in all those promises that declared in its campaign by the presidency of Republic. As Cocktail snack refers Natalio R.: the policy conjugates the word with the action. In republican tradition of the United States is custom, from the first message of George Washington in 1789, who the president goes to the town after to take oath. It is enough with reviewing history to us to notice that one always considers in her bids up between the rhetoric (what the word promises to persuade) and the results of the decisions that, of there in more, will have to be adopted. The word is because a point to begin with.

But that beginning can have the advantage to water in a common patrimony of values that sends to the founding moment of the republics. That circumstance does the times of a place from where it brings forth remembranza. Barack Obama proposed to its country and the world an exercise of remembranza. It did it talking about to the founding fathers of North American Independence and swearing on the Bible that Abraham Lincoln used, the archetype of the combatant and egalitarian republicanism that Vine shoot as much admired. Very interesting what Cocktail snack declares, that any cynical analysis of the policy could adduce that to the words takes them wind. Pure distraction that hides and deceives, for this vision of the things, the speeches are used, in the best one of the cases, to justify the domination of some on others.

Archaeological Park

February 10, 2019 at 2:18 pmCategory:General

Huila is one of the 32 departments of Colombia. The meaning of the Huila word: It is of indigenous origin and it means orange. Neiva is its capital. Huila is located in the suroccidental sector, privileged not only by its proximity with the other regions of Colombia, but also to be within its territory leaves from the central mountain range, the origin of the Eastern mountain range of Colombia in the Colombian bulk that is within its territory, as well as the beginning of the valley of Magdalena river, main Colombiano river that is born in the Department of the Huila. By its topography, Huila presents/displays all the thermal floors, from the warm one in the desert of the Tatacoa to the cold frozen in the Snow-covered Volcano of the Huila. The department of the Huila has a great hydric wealth, constituted in the first place by the River Magdalena and its affluents, by the rivers Yaguar, the Silver, San Francisco, Suaza, Pez, Pigrim’s staffs, among others, as well as by several lagoons among them the lagoon of the Magdalena that gives rise to the river of the same name, within his territory exists a great wealth of flora and fauna, counts on several tourist natural and attractive parks of much importance for Colombia as they are it: Group: National park Natural Cave of the Gucharos. Group: National park Natural Purac. Group: National park Natural Mountain range of Peaks.

Group: National park Natural Sumapaz. The Archaeological Park of San Agustn. The High Park of the Idols. The High Park of Stones. The desert of the Tatacoa in the municipality of Villavieja. The Snow-covered National Park of the Huila. Salto of the Pigrim’s staffs.

The Straits of the Magdalena. The Thermal ones of Creek. Its relief appears mainly formed by the great valley of the Magdalena locked up between the mountain ranges Central and Eastern that are branched off in their territory and which soon they go paralelamente towards the north, giving him characteristic special of limes we can emphasize the following fisiogrficas regions: Central Mountain range: Volcano of the Purac, Snow-covered of the Huila.

Mozart Orchestra Festival

December 6, 2018 at 3:26 pmCategory:General

Nevertheless, in spite of the exahustivo development of the use of the blows of arc, prudent doubles, harmonic, intervals of eighth, of tenth, pizzicati of left hand etc, the music of Paganini, goes beyond all type of acrobatic skill and involves a deep romantic sensitivity times and an exuberance barroca in others and of course interprets them to Markov wonderfully. Lord Yehudi Menuhin wrote of him the following thing: It is, without a doubt, one of the most shining and musical violinistas Alexander Markov will leave without a doubt to its track in the lovers of music in the world and annals of the violinstico virtuosity of our time . The Symphonic one of the BBC is known, that Alexander Markov has appeared with orchestras so known as the Orchestra Philadelphia, to the one of Paris or, being acclaimed by the public and the critic. Between its last successes they emphasize its concerts with the Orchestra of Paris and Lorin Maazel, Symphonic of Montreal with Charles Dutoit, Symphonic of Detroit with Neeme Jrvi, Symphonic of Seattle with Grard Schwarz, Neville Marriner in Greece, Orchestra of the Festival of Budapest with Ivan Fischer and Symphonic of New Jersey with Zdenek Macal. He is one of the best ones Interprets of Paganini concerning its whims, for that reason one says, that Alexander Markov has gained an international reputation like great specialist in the repertoire of century XIX. Its recording of the 24 Whims of Paganini secured an extraordinary success.

He is one of the few violinistas that program these works in a unique recital. Its recording of the 24 Whims in a film directed by Dark brown Monsaingeon was distributed to everybody and received enthusiastic critics. Laureate with the prestigious prize Avery Fisher Career Grant in 1987, Alexander Markov realised its presentation in the Carnegie Hall of New York in that same year, touched with Christoph Eschenbach directing the Mozart Orchestra Festival, in the Avery Fisher Hall, and with other important orchestras like those of Houston, Baltimore, Cincinnati and Jerusalem. Also, ceds for the Erato seal recorded five, that was distributed world-wide by Warner Classsics. Also it collaborates with the most prestigious artists, like Martha Argerich. Doubtless, Makov has established a reputation of forward edge to no in the 19-repertoire of the virtuous century.

Its launching of the CD and the video of the 24 Whims of Paganini for violin only, directed by the legendary director of Dark brown cinema Monsaingeon, caused sensation, and like result, it recorded five compact discs for the Erato/Warner Classics. Markov continues being one of the violinistas very few in the world that realises all the set of the 24 Whims of Paganini in a unique one considering, and which it appears in the film internationally acclaimed on great violinistas ” The Art of the Violn” , also directed by Dark brown Monsaingeon. It composed music of ” Concert of Rock” , an original composition of the collaboration with James V. Remington, who also designed for him a new one of six cord of electrical violin.

European Union

August 31, 2017 at 1:29 amCategory:General

The luck of the school was different. Today Spanish School is called and in him they study 500 students pertaining to the European Union. No boy born in Cuba can step on the school that Baldor had constructed for its compatriots. Far from the mother country Aurelio Baldor he in vain tried to recover his life. He went to classes of English next to his children to the University of New York and soon after already he dictated a chair in Saint Peters College, in New Jersey. One strived to finish the education of his children and each found the profession whereupon it dreamed: a professor of Literature, two engineers, an investor, two administrators and a secretary.

No followed the way of the mathematics, although all continued accepting the mental challenges and the games whereupon challenged their father every day. With the years, Baldor had dreamed up an important intellectual prestige in the United States and had left back the difficulties of the poverty. Nevertheless, the teacher could not be happy outside Cuba. He was not it in New York like professor, nor in Miami where its retirement accompanied by Moraima lived, his wife, who today is 89 years old and remembers her husband as the brave man the more of all whatever were born in the planet. Baldor never recovered its fantastic one hundred kilos of weight and it bent over little by little like a monumental palm that cannot support the weight of the sky exceeds yes. ” I exile knew to juice of green pineapple.

My father died with the hope of volver” , he assures his son Daniel. The author of the Algebra of Baldor smoked his last cigarette the 2 of April of 1978. To the following morning he closed the eyes, he murmured the Cuba word for the last time and one fell asleep for always. Enfisema pulmonary, said the doctors, had finished with their health. But their seven children, fifteen grandsons and ten biznietos, always knew and will know that to Aurelio Baldor they killed nostalgia and the exile BECAUSE THIS TREATY COULD NOT BE FINISHED? Because like all works, this completes it lacks sponsorship. Each work that I have written. Small, great median or, has implied in my life, a poverty and absolute misery. All the previous one demonstrates the quality of our state, our educative system and the conception of humanism that handle our governors. On a daily basis thousands of talents in our nation are lost.

Mayan Riviera

June 9, 2015 at 5:05 amCategory:General

Cancn is of the more important tourist destinies of the Mayan Riviera, nevertheless is not the unique one, between many Tulum in the other end it attracts with its beautiful beaches and their Mayan ruins that also do of this unique destiny in their type and of natural attractive stop. If you wish to cross the Riviera she can arrive at his departure point through flights to Cancn, from his international airport you will be able to stay yourself in hotels in Cancn or directly to undertake trip. By the highway in a passage that will take approximately 45 minutes to him you will be able to arrive in automobile at Tulum, if the service of bus of prefers to cross the landscape in another means of transport will take it to Cancn although not in the same time. Almost 61 kilometers separate Cancn de Tulum, and in this last one also it will be able to enjoy the most varied attractive tourist and services for his comfort. It crosses the Mayan Riviera, in the way will happen through Morelos Port, Playa del Carmen, Xcaret and Xel-H, without telling whereupon to the coast and the sea will be its constant company. Cancn is a paradise of sun and beach that has a great amount of excursions to realise, you you will be able to stay in best resorts of the Caribbean being reserved hotels in Cancn, but their days will be worth the pain between the long baths of sun and the different excussio and Tours in Cancn. In this occasion we will comment to him to near Subsee Paradise, a boat that as a will take it to submarine to the ocean floor to internalise itself of the marine life of the Caribbean Sea. Subsee Paradise is a modern boat that owns a crystal bottom, the flora and marine fauna is observed in the open while you in the comfort of this boat can appreciate the marine bottom.in 35 minutes that the route lasts podr to appreciate the tropical wonders of the sea, fish, reefs, dolphins, marine blanket rays and turtles they comprise of a great spectacle.

It visits the Mayan Riviera and their many matchless destinies, Cancn, Playa del Carmen and many wait for plus it, but it remembers that Subsee Paradise is tour that no it can stop doing. Every day in AquWorld Navy between the 9 and 15 hours it will be able to go towards the adventure, it only arrives 30 minutes before as a realising its registry and enjoying this activity of 2 hours of duration. The opportunity to know this corner privileged by the nature is not lost, where it found an infinity of recreational activities as well as of rest, enjoys calm waters turkish color visited by the old conquerors and enjoyed by the Mayans who founded one of the old but big cities of the American continent.