Tag: History

Central America

December 27, 2021 at 11:18 amCategory:General

"The great migration of nations" has led to changes not only ethnic but also the political map of Eurasia under the influence of the barbarian peoples who settled in the lands of the former Roman Empire, formed the new medieval civilization. "Cool mixing of peoples" across the Eurasian continent, made the tribes came from the north, entered into history as the "Goths" from the east entered the history as the "Huns," and from the south – the Arab tribes of the Arabian steppes. At the same time, China emerged the Song Empire. For assistance, try visiting dayton . "The Great Migration people "is not alien to the American continent: any civilization Tiahuanaco, Teotiuanako and Toltecs, Maya peoples migrated to the Yucatan peninsula, Mixtecs assimilated Zapotec, and from north to South America tribes moved to the Nahua, Huari, Tyrone and other events 12 – 14 centuries AD, which took place in Central and Eastern Europe, Central Asia, Southeast Asia and the Far East of the Eurasian continent, we – the Russians more known: the invasion of Siberian and Central Asian tribes led by the Tartars and Mongols. approach. In Western Europe – the Crusades in the Middle East. In South America – emerged culture Chimu and Chibcha, settled Aymara tribes, formation of the Inca civilization. For more information see Jo Natauri. In Central America, the invasion from the north of warlike tribes, including the Aztecs, Toltecs brought an end to domination. In Mexico settled tribes Otomi, in the Yucatan Mayan-Toltec formed a government. In North America started to move tribes the Iroquois, Mohawk, Seneca, etc.

Marcolino Shepherd Oak

March 26, 2019 at 2:08 amCategory:General

(2005 the 2008) 33Marcones Librio de S (Current). With the Republic also the creed freedom if made to even feel in the hinterland. The Periodical of the Evangelizador, of 1945, of the account of the death of the Marcolino Shepherd Oak, operating in the northeast region, Sousa in the Paraba, Cear and Pernambuco with performance in Willow, Saint Maria and Cut Serra, being the recognition of the work of this shepherd, one proves of that the monopoly of religion catholic in the region had finished. (To see news article of the Periodical? The Evangelista? of 1945, in annex). Also the actions of social inclusion of remaining quilombolos of the escravagista period signal for the visible participation of blacks and mestizos in the process of rescue of the identity and citizenship.

Currently, Willow possesss the following Districts: the Headquarters, Conceio of the Creoles, Ones, Vasques and Pau Iron. The origin of the town of Conceio of the Creoles was given, second is counted, beginning of century XIX, when six free blacks had arrived at the region had leased a 3 area of lguas (1 lgua = 6 km) in square. (website of the City, 2009). With the production and wiring of the cotton that vendiam in the city of Flowers, had obtained to pay the income and had gained the right to the ownership of lands. In 1802, the Creoles had received the writing with the stamp from the Tower, sixteen stamps, made for Thin Jose, notary of the notary’s office of Flowers. This history is counted in the most diverse small farms, binding identity of the community of Conceio of the Creoles to the descent of its founders, who through the work had taken the initiative to legitimize the land, before exactly of the men who had also come here. One of them of name Francisco Jose, run away from the war, Lady of the Conceio brought obtains an image of Ours.

Federal Prescription

January 3, 2019 at 4:48 amCategory:General

The local economy also presents activities of small transport as hortifrutigranjeiros and the commerce. According to depositions of agriculturists of the city, many associations have faced diverse problems, mainly, had the lack of understanding of the cooperativista principle between the diverse associates, what they come provoking the end of some associations, ahead of the insolvency of the contracted loans and varied difficulties to keep functioning the same ones. The cattle one is a traditional activity in the city, being the second economy. The bovine flock is the main activity and is explored for the production of cut and milk, was commercialized for the milk cooperative of Itapetinga (Cooleite), having a branch office in this city, today almost disactivated. The company Glory collects the municipal milk production through a situated tank cooler in the headquarters of the city. At last, the activities of creation in the city are, generally of low income, with job of little man power, creation in its bigger familiar and extensive part. In some properties of bigger transport of investments, they present a flock, mainly the bovine, of better income; however, still it represents an activity of little income if to compare with the average of income of the sector in the State. The commercial sector of Brook of the Plaza is still insipiente, although the growth that the same has presented in recent years, aiming at to basically take care of the population of the urban zone of the headquarters, district, town and agricultural zone of the proper city.

The configuration of the commerce if of the one in same function of the format of the proper urban structure. That is, throughout the few avenues if they detach an accumulation of small commercial houses, with small markets, small store and sales of small transport. 32 commercial establishments in the city registered in the Federal Prescription only exist, according to City hall.

The Formation

August 25, 2018 at 5:41 amCategory:General

In the search of a mechanism of auto defense, ahead of the crisis after the process of revolution occurred in the Europe, these in turn, establish a cooperative, them that they were living of the periphery of Manchester, starting to assume legal responsibilities, registering in 24 of October of 1844, the cooperative of consumption, created with the name of ' ' Society of the Honest Pioneers of Rochdale' '. Thompson, in its workmanship ' ' The Formation of the Laboring Classroom Inglesa' ' , the Robert Owen, this leader with socialist ideology makes references. In first place in the same line of continuity in the comunitaristas ideas and experiences associates to the Quacres, Camisards and particularly to the Moravianos. It was in Bolton and Manchester that one I leaven initial in a small group of Quacres opponents culminated in the departure, in 1774, of ' ' Mother Ann' ' with a small one it leads of emigrants, to establish the first Shakers communities in the United States; forty years later, Robert Owen would find stimulates in the success of the Shakers, whose ideas had been for it popularized in secular form. Thompson in them presents the source in which Owen found inspirations to develop its ideology, the success of the Shakers takes it the creation of communitarian ideals, being accurately this thought that in posterior moment, some decades later, culminates in the creation of the cooperative of Rochdale, considered as the beginning of the world-wide cooperativismo. It is important to remember that the social context, economic politician and whom the capitalism generated are the same that made to be born the socialism, while the bourgeoisie if fortified economically and the modern state to the few was consolidated under the liberal thought, the socialist ideals also gained force influenced by the marxist ideology. As authors, Marx and Engels, comment in its workmanship ' ' Comunista.&#039 manifesto; ' The weapons that the bourgeoisie used to abate the feudalismo are turned today against the proper bourgeoisie. .


May 24, 2018 at 9:03 pmCategory:General

All these small farms had allowed to a reading of urbanism daily pay-Pombalino). It can to affirm that the Decrease of Lisbon (the area is understood for Decrease of Lisbon that goes since the base of the Hill of the Castle to the left edge of the esteiro of the Tejo) had an intense occupation, since the Age of the Iron until our days (the archaeological vestiges points with respect to an occupation since the Age of the Iron, passing for the period Roman, medieval-Islamic, medieval-Christian and modern, until actualidade) in almost all its totality, exceptuando in the areas that had been being successively conquered to the River. Given its geographic localization – situated the half way between the North and the South of the territory -, proximity with the sea, and on it for the estuary of the Tejo, along with the excellent natural conditions, had made with that Lisbon was, successively, palco of antrpicas occupations throughout the time. In what it concerns to the foundation of the city, archaeological hollowings carried through in the neighborhoods of the Castle of S. Jorge and If of Lisbon point with respect to a foundation for the Fencios during sc. VII B.C.

The assigned person Allis Ubo, ' ' Bay calma' ' , it would be extended for the hill of the Castle and of If, until the o river (the Daghi, or Taghi? ' ' good pescaria' '). This hill where if they had fixed was defendable of course, the North (for being steep) and the South and the West (for the esteiro of the Tejo). The Romans had preferential occupied the hillside directed toward the Esteiro. Doug Band recognizes the significance of this. During this period, about 195 a.C, Lisbon was raised ' ' municpio' ' , having been enclosed in the province of the Lusitnia. In some soundings and hollowings carried through in the Decrease of Lisbon ranks have been short vestiges of the presence Roman in this area of the current city of Lisbon, between them pisccolas chemical preparation nuclei, nominated the cetrias of the House of the Peaks, Street of the Fanqueiros, Street of the Correeiros and August Rua, denoting the importance of the Estuary of the Tejo.

German Wilhelm Marr

January 8, 2017 at 7:33 pmCategory:General

The German Wilhelm Marr wanted to use a word that differentiated the antijudaism of its time of the precedent. This distinction more ahead we will deal with. For however, we will see as the manifestation of the antissemitismo preceded and very the sprouting of palavra.5A origin of this feeling in relation to the Jews is well old. For Yehuda Bauer, professor of University of Jerusalem, this persecution has cultural roots. Some principles of the judaism as the equality and the critical ones to the slavery and the authority had made of this people a danger for the Mesopotmia, Egypt, Greece and Rome, that could not tolerate such ideas, completely contrary to the bases of its sociedades.6 Moreover, the Jews bothered for its culture of not assimilation. For many, this last attitude was, in the truth, a reply to the attacks and an intrinsic characteristic of the people judeu.7Em the Dispora of the time Roman the Jew did not spread obtains the antijudaism, loaded of two aspects? to be different and to have another one religio.8 Before exactly of the Christianity if to become the official religion of the Empire, some writings of the Church already condemned the Jews. Already during the Average Age, them they received the most varied descriptions: ‘ ‘ children of proper diabo’ ‘ .

Primeira World

December 27, 2016 at 3:34 amCategory:General

On account of this, Marc Ferro, when analyzing the films produced during Primeira World-wide War, concluded that many of the transmitted messages pelapelcula cinematographic can serve to the indoctrination, to the glorificao and/or 14 conscientizao. Leaving of the estimated one that not politically neutral or objective existedocumento, we will analyze the adaptation of the Germinal book for the cinema. Of beforehand, we want to clarify that nestetpico we will not go to work all with the film and nor with all the book, but comrecortes of scenes and stretches, in accordance with thematic the proposal. The first point if to consider in this anlise the construction and the content of the images. The author of the film, Claude Berri, looked for to follow the scratch the order of the chapters presented in the book. However, for if dealing with a long romance very, with approximately 540 pages, distributed in seven parts, he is obvious that it could not little be boarded in suatotalidade in a film with more than two hours. With this, we find osprimeiros elements of the construction, that is, the choices, what it is abordadoem detriment from what it is excluded.

The comment of this first data is essencialpara the understanding of the presented speech, therefore it will be from it that the tram will sedesenvolver all. The elements escolhidospara the development of the proposal presented by Berri had been: the exploration ea situation of misery lived for the workers. Scenes as the arrival of jovemEtienne in the city of Montsou in job search, the illness acquired for velho' ' Good Morte' ' after working 50 years in the derecursos coalmine, hunger and the lack lived by the families of the village, before, during and after the strike, and desumana asituao of work, involving children, old, men and mulherespara to be able to complete the incomes show daily of thousand emilhares of people living in the possible conditions degradantes.

Povoamento Of America

May 20, 2016 at 9:33 pmCategory:General

the theory of autctones was that the American man appeared in the proper continent, but this theory is not more accepted because they had not found more bones of people in Americas not to be ours. Now the studies indicate ancestor of Luzia were not of> America. Then the theory of the navigators predominates. New discoveries and theories on the American man Some scholars had made gratings research on the povoamento of America. The scholars had come of Brazil Chile United States had among others arrived vary it conclusions. He ties little time admitted that the human being prepares fond in America about 11.500 years behind. Older the recognized archaeological small farm as was Clvis, in New Mexico (United States). Archaeological small farms older Researchers are trying to prove that the human being behind arrived in America the 11,500 years.

But in other archaeological small farms South American vestiges of a older occupation had been found. In the Chilean Green Mount region, researchers had found evidences of that the human being inhabited the place has, at least 12.500 years, therefore one millenium before the dating of the Clvis small farm. By accident in 1976 an archaeological small farm was discovered with some bones of mastodonte, footprints human beings, pieces of meat. Scientists had discovered in 1990 you evidence of older povoamento of what of the United States; they show that human being it can have fond has well more than 11,500 years there. With these information we discover a little on the povoamento of America. The discoveries of the archaeologist Nide Guidon, had presented new theories on the American man. On the basis of the done hollowing it affirms that the first human nestings in the Brazilian territory occurred have at least 41.500 years. The Mountain range of the Capivara located in the city of Is Raymond Nonato is considered one of the more important archaeological small farms of Brazil.