Bailando Day

January 22, 2017 at 7:02 amCategory:General

Fangoria emphasizes in the festival of alternative music of Benidorm. The pair interpreted some of its successes like ' I want to be santa' and ' Bailando'. Low COST Festival has reunited to 12,000 people in its inaugural day. Benidorm is to Fangoria which Barcelona to Joan Manuel Serrat, that is to say, a long glove of musical magazine that feels to him so well to this pair that even prevails within the framework over a festival of alternative music, Low COST Festival, in which one hour before the MGP-rock was hardly cheered also indie of Lori Meyers. Relying on the sense that the word " festivalero" it has assumed years in the last, thanks to the overabundance of this type of musical encounter, Alaska and Nacho Canut the most coherent supply of the day did not seem a priori, that groups of MGP innocent and vitalista like The Pains completed of Being Puree AT Heart or the electrizante soul of Eli ' Paperboy' Reed. But, to their way, Fangoria also is very of festival.

And of vodevil and of astracanadas, since they have let see close tonight in his appearance – of the two of the dawn in the day inaugural of Low COST Festival, that in his third edition in this city of Alicante has reunited to 12,000 people according to calculations of the organization. The scrutiny of this public, in many cases other people’s or rendered, the pair has left winning with songs that already belong to the common heap of several generations and that, thanks to its last washing of electronic face, sound like productions of the 21st century. Thus successes rejuvenated like &#039 have followed one another; I want to be santa' and ' Bailando' , next to more recent others (' I do not know what me das' , ' Twisting words of amor'), surrounded in a showy spectacle of magazine in that they have not lacked spangles, pens nor kicks to the air, a format than more apt for the city of the Benidorm Palace, where they rolled the video of ' To whom him importa'.

German Wilhelm Marr

January 8, 2017 at 7:33 pmCategory:General

The German Wilhelm Marr wanted to use a word that differentiated the antijudaism of its time of the precedent. This distinction more ahead we will deal with. For however, we will see as the manifestation of the antissemitismo preceded and very the sprouting of palavra.5A origin of this feeling in relation to the Jews is well old. For Yehuda Bauer, professor of University of Jerusalem, this persecution has cultural roots. Some principles of the judaism as the equality and the critical ones to the slavery and the authority had made of this people a danger for the Mesopotmia, Egypt, Greece and Rome, that could not tolerate such ideas, completely contrary to the bases of its sociedades.6 Moreover, the Jews bothered for its culture of not assimilation. For many, this last attitude was, in the truth, a reply to the attacks and an intrinsic characteristic of the people judeu.7Em the Dispora of the time Roman the Jew did not spread obtains the antijudaism, loaded of two aspects? to be different and to have another one religio.8 Before exactly of the Christianity if to become the official religion of the Empire, some writings of the Church already condemned the Jews. Already during the Average Age, them they received the most varied descriptions: ‘ ‘ children of proper diabo’ ‘ .


January 6, 2017 at 4:41 pmCategory:General

They zombaramdele, therefore thought that she spoke of the temple of Jerusalem. But ' ' it said dotemplo of its corpo' ' , made renewed curse and in the resurrection. Jesus diza same thing of another form: ' ' If the wheat grain that falls in the land to nomorrer, will remain alone; but if to die, will produce much fruit; I did not come to serservido, but to serve and to give the life for the multitude, pra that it has emabundancia life. Therefore, when it revived of deceased, its discpulosacreditaram in it ' ' Jo 2,19-22. The new temple is not made of rock and clay, but of alive people: he will destroy nobody it, therefore God made same it. Faith depends danossa, to leave to mold us for the holy ghost Potter and to be alive rock of novoTemplo. The heart of the people was hard, insensitive as the rocks doterreno that Jav cleaned to plant its vine.

The heart of Jav is of meat, sensible, merciful. For having the heart of rock and hard head, the noentendia people, it did not keep in the heart word of Jav, did not believe that one slhe dedicated love. Jav if complained. ' ' I created children I made, them to grow and were elesrebelaram against me. The ox knows its owner, the jumento, the manger of the seusenhor, but Israel is incapable to know, my people cannot understand. Dopovo there full of iniquity, the nation pecadora' ' Is 1,2-4.

The ethical iniquities eimundcies harden the heart of the people and they become it insensitive the love deJav. It annoys it to this and uneasy, but it does not give up to change the mentality, ocorao of the people: it promises to transform charneca of the heart of the people into terrafrtil. Heart as of Jav, ' ' God of mercy, slow for aclera, full of compaixo' ' , it is messianic promise.

Poem With Messages

January 6, 2017 at 6:02 amCategory:General

Analysis Messages? Fernando Person Blazon? Quinas Fifth D. Sebastio, King of Portugal the book messages is divided in three parts: Blazon, Portuguese Sea and the hidden one. This first part receives this name, Blazon, for having its structure written as of the Portuguese Blazon. This blazon is composed for seven castles and five quinas. Thus Fernando person writes this first part of the book.

In ' ' Castelos' ' , Fernando Person tells to history Dos Reis and queens of Portugal, counted in seven poems, as the number of castles in the Blazon. In ' ' Quinas' ' , as in the blazon, Fernando Person he counts in five poems the crucial points of the history of Portugal. The fifth poem, that locks up this part, tells the history of D. Sebastio, the last king of the Avis dynasty. D.

Sebastio leaves Portugal with intention to reconquer Jerusalem to the catolicismo. In this it had material interests, religious envaidecedores and. D. Sebastio wanted largeness? how cites Fernando in the poem? but he did not obtain it. In the fight for this conquest, it had very violent battles, in which two teros I exercise of it Portuguese had died. To the end of ' ' baguna' ' , a simple question: Where he is King D. Sebastio? He will be that died? But where it is the body? Perhaps it had run away or he would have been kidnapped? At last, the body disappeared and never it was found. Thus, Fernando Person writes this poem, that portraies ' ' loucura' ' of D. Sebastio, madness this that makes the man well, as it affirms Fernando Person to the end of the poem when it says that ' ' without madness the man … is a postponed corpse that procria' '. Fernando person locks up the part ' ' Quinas' ' of the book Messages (5 part) telling the history of D. Sebastio for considering 5 the most raised point. This involves a Metaphysical question, therefore when a pyramid is looked at from top to bottom, for example, we visualize four points equal, the four cantos of the pyramid. Looking at of front, we visualize a point superior, the tip of the pyramid, the fifth point, the most raised. Thus he was considered D. Sebastio in Portugal, somebody superior. The main message transmitted in this poem for Fernando Person was the question of the dreams. In the poem, Fernando Person called madness. D. Sebastio dreamed in conquering Jerusalem for the catolicismo, but for many, this dream was seen as madness, however it was only one dream. Thus, if respectively to substitute the words wild and madness in the poem for sonhador and dream, the message will be transmitted of perfect and much more direct form: ' ' Sonhador, yes, sonhador, because Which wanted largeness the luck did not want to give did not fit in me my certainty; Therefore where the areal was my being that had, not what it has My dream, others take that me With what in it went Without the dream that is the man More than the healthy crossbow, a postponed corpse that procreates? ' '

The Flight Of The Butterfly

January 1, 2017 at 12:48 pmCategory:General

At that precise moment, look at the finery of the butterfly’s incomparable beauty and fly freely through the forest. The worm is not a lower State of beautiful butterfly, the worm is the butterfly, as the spiritual sons of God, are, in relation to whom has created. We will be able never to return as worms, we can only return to find us at the victorious flight of beautiful butterflies, which symbolize, this case, the glories of God. This is my work and my glory, carry out the immortality and eternal life of man Moses 1: 39 in the same way, that the stage of the worm, it is not comparable to the Majesty of the State of the butterfly, same thing happens with the conditions in which our life developed deadly pre. This stage is not at all comparable, with which we now live, or which can achieve, according to the degree of glory that we can correspond. We have the tendency to compare our current state with the previous one and it is for this reason that we think in terms of heavenly home, imagining: times, contacts, and relationship types, with a degree of intimacy and closeness that leads us to believe in a God, essentially father, surrounded by their children and is even possible to see you sitting on your knees. Without doubt, it is a noble and endowed with an emotionally charged simply touching sentiment, but it is good to understand, that the lyricism of our human emotions, not necessarily agrees, with the dictates of reality expressed in the Scriptures. Our spiritual bodies were created in the fullness of our adult life, as intelligences, we were organized under these conditions, the great work of God was already in the process, and once started, nothing the stops, the worm and the Butterfly (in the figurative sense) are covered simultaneously, there is no time, for the simple reason that we are talking about, in terms of eternity..