Central Hospital
September 18, 2017 at 3:11 pmCategory:General
Experts say that the Dagestani family has started to change in the 1970s. In this decade began massive migration to urban areas, which could not but affect the way of life. The number of divorces has fallen birth rate, within a decade, natural increase of population has declined by half – from 4.8% per year to 2.3%. This was a manifestation of individualization of social consciousness and the growing lack of spirituality. But in the 1990s, accelerated in an unusually bad change.
One write, two in the mind of official statistics poorly captures the pulse of real life. But even given her numbers speak volumes. By the end of the decade of reforms expansion became impossible to hide. In 2000, in Dagestan in 1018 revealed new cases of syphilis, gonorrhea cases in 1625. In 2005 it was already identified in 1255 cases of syphilis, gonorrhea cases in 2170. One year ago in the country in view of the number more than 20,000 drug cases, including – 8.8 thousand chronic alcoholics, and about 6.5 thousand injecting drug users. From 1992 to 2006 the number of officially registered rapes increased by 70%.
In year in Dagestan is over 15 thousand abortions. But it is – the official statistics. In real life, probably, the situation is much worse. A few years ago with a friend, a medic walked in the Central Hospital. He showed me about 15 abortariev underground, seemingly quite ordinary-looking as at home. Now about those houses have private clinics, and the houses, "grew up" until the second or third floor, got very tall fences.