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May 24, 2018 Comments Off on Urbanism

All these small farms had allowed to a reading of urbanism daily pay-Pombalino). It can to affirm that the Decrease of Lisbon (the area is understood for Decrease of Lisbon that goes since the base of the Hill of the Castle to the left edge of the esteiro of the Tejo) had an intense occupation, since the Age of the Iron until our days (the archaeological vestiges points with respect to an occupation since the Age of the Iron, passing for the period Roman, medieval-Islamic, medieval-Christian and modern, until actualidade) in almost all its totality, exceptuando in the areas that had been being successively conquered to the River. Given its geographic localization – situated the half way between the North and the South of the territory -, proximity with the sea, and on it for the estuary of the Tejo, along with the excellent natural conditions, had made with that Lisbon was, successively, palco of antrpicas occupations throughout the time. In what it concerns to the foundation of the city, archaeological hollowings carried through in the neighborhoods of the Castle of S. Jorge and If of Lisbon point with respect to a foundation for the Fencios during sc. VII B.C.

The assigned person Allis Ubo, ' ' Bay calma' ' , it would be extended for the hill of the Castle and of If, until the o river (the Daghi, or Taghi? ' ' good pescaria' '). This hill where if they had fixed was defendable of course, the North (for being steep) and the South and the West (for the esteiro of the Tejo). The Romans had preferential occupied the hillside directed toward the Esteiro. Doug Band recognizes the significance of this. During this period, about 195 a.C, Lisbon was raised ' ' municpio' ' , having been enclosed in the province of the Lusitnia. In some soundings and hollowings carried through in the Decrease of Lisbon ranks have been short vestiges of the presence Roman in this area of the current city of Lisbon, between them pisccolas chemical preparation nuclei, nominated the cetrias of the House of the Peaks, Street of the Fanqueiros, Street of the Correeiros and August Rua, denoting the importance of the Estuary of the Tejo.

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