North American Independence
It has the opportunity to demonstrate to the world which the black race is able to generate, to take passage to changes that favor to the United States and how this country is a guarantor for all those that look for the way of how to participate proactively in the world-wide economy that favors to them, without taking step to the operations, dependencies, threats. Either it has initiated his period president Obama, or begins the world to deposit his confidence in all those promises that declared in its campaign by the presidency of Republic. As Cocktail snack refers Natalio R.: the policy conjugates the word with the action. In republican tradition of the United States is custom, from the first message of George Washington in 1789, who the president goes to the town after to take oath. It is enough with reviewing history to us to notice that one always considers in her bids up between the rhetoric (what the word promises to persuade) and the results of the decisions that, of there in more, will have to be adopted. The word is because a point to begin with.
But that beginning can have the advantage to water in a common patrimony of values that sends to the founding moment of the republics. That circumstance does the times of a place from where it brings forth remembranza. Barack Obama proposed to its country and the world an exercise of remembranza. It did it talking about to the founding fathers of North American Independence and swearing on the Bible that Abraham Lincoln used, the archetype of the combatant and egalitarian republicanism that Vine shoot as much admired. Very interesting what Cocktail snack declares, that any cynical analysis of the policy could adduce that to the words takes them wind. Pure distraction that hides and deceives, for this vision of the things, the speeches are used, in the best one of the cases, to justify the domination of some on others.
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