The Water
Also the pollution of air through the use exaggerated of sprinkled that it comes causing the atmospheric pollution, beyond the great amount of oxide of nitrogen, carbon and sulphur proceeding from industrial activities and the vehicles motorized in composition with air, causing the acid rain that damages the ground and the vegetation, that is one of the causers of loss of life of fish. With the creation of animals, most of ammonia produced for esterco animal is set free for atmosphere; another part is converted into soluble nitrates in the ground for the decompositoras bacteria. The nitrates have high mobility (they are soluble in water and the particles of the ground are not leagued), and are one of the pollutant greaters of the underground water. It exists the agrotxicos pollution through metals heavy and products that reach the rivers. Being able all this material to arrive clean and still pure waters. milar findings. Intense the hdrica pollution produces decomposition anaerobic of the human dejections, having, a reduction of the PH of the water and the consequent increase of the solubilizao of metals, extending the risks of toxidez to the water. On the degradation of the environment, it fits to disclose that the development of new technologies brings in its bulge the degradation of the resources, production of material dejections and consumption of energies and other suppliments, modifying in a long distance without end of appropriation of the nature, as it puts down Rattner (1999 and p 109); The global situation is characterized by fast ambient deterioration in global scale, that is, for the effect greenhouse, destruction of the ozone layer, acid rain, deforestation, erosion of the ground and growth of the deserts, loss of innumerable species of plants and animals, toxic contamination of air and the water. 3.1. MEASURES OF PROTECTION FOR THE WATER. The implantation of more severe programs of protection of the hdricos resources in the nature is necessary with urgency, to prevent the greater deterioration in the quality and amount of the resources in water candy of the planet.
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