Paper Atlas Launched

May 30, 2018 at 8:18 amCategory:General

For the first time also independent cities to compete for the highest rates of recycled paper are called after the overwhelming success of previous years going the paper Atlas 2011 now in the fourth round. Due to the large nationwide interest not only cities with more than 100,000 inhabitants, but also all cities for the title of Recyclingpapierfreundlichste can compete this year city in Germany. Cooperation partner of the local competition are the Federal Environment Ministry, the German Association of cities and the Federal Environmental Agency. Federal Environment Minister Dr. Norbert Rottgen has taken over the patronage for the project. The paper Atlas serves more and more cities as a tool to align their procurement policy sustainable”, as Michael Soffge, spokesman for the initiative pro recycling paper. Just the positive identification of the pioneer cities with their high rates of recycling paper has spurred other cities, also to change. A good example is the double winner Halle/Saale from last year.

Motivated by the “” Paper Atlas increased the city within one year its rate by 13 percent to 100 percent recycled paper and was thus both promoted the year “as well as together with Bonn and Essen Recyclingpapierfreundlichste city in Germany”. The paper Atlas highlights transparent and positive, which environmental services the municipalities through the paper with the Blue Angels. According to the recycled paper quota, he shows the achieved savings in the areas of energy, water, and CO2 emissions are as high and immediately shows the environmental benefits of the use of recycled paper. For more information on the competition is available at.

Vapiano Mediterranean

May 25, 2018 at 10:11 pmCategory:General

Our concept for Vapiano should get above all always the Mediterranean ease in the restaurant. The redesign is an evolution of this original idea, only subtly perceived by the guest”explains Matteo Thun. Large menu panels and hidden technology make it easier for, to select him. The natural, genuine materials, i.e. wood, leather, marble, real olive trees and real green, visualize the brand essence of Vapiano the freshness of ingredients and cuisine.” So informative crafted menu boards give an overview of the food on offer and showcases world present the products of the Vapiano. So far red walls be replaced by fresh plants, move to the natural materials and the freshness of the dishes even more to the fore.

Thanks to the Facebook fans with the opening in Vienna Vapiano also thanks Facebook fans for their loyalty, suggestions and ideas with a particular action, on April 24. November 2011: together with his fans, Vapiano searches the Facebook fan pasta. In your own pasta recipes can be developed on Facebook with many different ingredients, from which the Vapiano the Vapiano fan pasta chooses jury together with the fans. This is then in March and April 2012 of the Vapianisti the Vapiano prepared employees in all the participating restaurants for guests. About Vapiano at Vapiano Mediterranean serenity is skillfully with a cosmopolitan way of life combined, casual and loose is like with friends. We do not reserve and dress codes is also waived. Vapiano uses only fresh ingredients.

Everything is made daily fresh both pasta, pizza dough, sauces, dressings as well Dolci to the part in the middle of the guest room in the glass Manifattura in each individual restaurant. The food right in front of the guest in the show kitchen ala minute “prepared. So the guests can express individual wishes even during preparation. The new Vapiano in Vienna West railway station is open from 11:00 until 24:00, on Sundays and holidays until 23:00. Address: Vapiano Vienna IV, BahnhofCity Wien West, Europaplatz 1, 1150 Vienna, E-Mail more information on, and twitter.


May 24, 2018 at 9:03 pmCategory:General

All these small farms had allowed to a reading of urbanism daily pay-Pombalino). It can to affirm that the Decrease of Lisbon (the area is understood for Decrease of Lisbon that goes since the base of the Hill of the Castle to the left edge of the esteiro of the Tejo) had an intense occupation, since the Age of the Iron until our days (the archaeological vestiges points with respect to an occupation since the Age of the Iron, passing for the period Roman, medieval-Islamic, medieval-Christian and modern, until actualidade) in almost all its totality, exceptuando in the areas that had been being successively conquered to the River. Given its geographic localization – situated the half way between the North and the South of the territory -, proximity with the sea, and on it for the estuary of the Tejo, along with the excellent natural conditions, had made with that Lisbon was, successively, palco of antrpicas occupations throughout the time. In what it concerns to the foundation of the city, archaeological hollowings carried through in the neighborhoods of the Castle of S. Jorge and If of Lisbon point with respect to a foundation for the Fencios during sc. VII B.C.

The assigned person Allis Ubo, ' ' Bay calma' ' , it would be extended for the hill of the Castle and of If, until the o river (the Daghi, or Taghi? ' ' good pescaria' '). This hill where if they had fixed was defendable of course, the North (for being steep) and the South and the West (for the esteiro of the Tejo). The Romans had preferential occupied the hillside directed toward the Esteiro. Doug Band recognizes the significance of this. During this period, about 195 a.C, Lisbon was raised ' ' municpio' ' , having been enclosed in the province of the Lusitnia. In some soundings and hollowings carried through in the Decrease of Lisbon ranks have been short vestiges of the presence Roman in this area of the current city of Lisbon, between them pisccolas chemical preparation nuclei, nominated the cetrias of the House of the Peaks, Street of the Fanqueiros, Street of the Correeiros and August Rua, denoting the importance of the Estuary of the Tejo.

The Dialogues

May 8, 2018 at 10:26 pmCategory:General

Taking of terrible fury, kills the children to avenge itself of the husband. It is seen as one of more impressive the feminine figures of the universal dramaturgia. Already in the Comedy we have as example ' ' Lisstrata' ' of Aristfanes, on which we will elapse in the development of this work. 2 DEVELOPMENT Little knows on the life of the Aristfanes writer, born in Atenas for return of 450 B.C. It had a sophisticated education, therefore it lived in a period of intense cultural life, known as Century of Pricles. This period also coincided with the ecloso of the War of the Peloponeso, that had its end in 404 a.C, with the complete defeat of the athenians at the hands of the espartanos. These events had marked deeply its workmanship, Lisstrata. In such a way, the War of the Peloponeso is an incessant subject of its artistic production.

Its parts, of deeply sarcastic text, have as white constant the power, either it politician especially the image of the demagogues, harmful figures to the mechanisms that conduct the economy, the warlike sphere and the cultural life of Atenas -, religious or intellectual. Generally the personage who if finds to the edge of the society if discloses superior to the representatives of the power. Thus the author can exert its revanche against that it judges to answer for the decline of its city-state. The obsceno language that used in its workmanships was inheritance of the literary tradition previous Greek, was worried in defending the peace and warning the population, over all agricultural, of the urban abuses. In the dialogues organized in its workmanship, ironic brilliants and, it reproduce all exhaustingly the proposals debated at its time, the relative ones to the War, the educational techniques, the philosophical debates, the feminine responsibility in the social life, among others controversial subjects.