Pablo Freire
September 20, 2018 at 10:18 pmCategory:General
Together with the history of Pablo Freire, one brief interview with a teacher of the state net of education will be described 2 HISTORY DE PABLO FREIRE Pablo Freire lived north-eastern in the first decades of the century of an agrarian country, was a thinker of the education encircled for authoritarian relations for the domain of the colonels later when Brazil passed for the intense industrial development what it gave to a new status the bourgeoisie democratically confiding for the popular participation it lives then a military blow that takes it to the same exile during 18 years being distant of its origins it had experiences riqussimas of work in the countries of third world and with the poor classrooms of the developed ones as the United States Of Americas later it returned to the country in the years of 1980. Freire was known world-wide as a popular educator it had a method that he educated and he acquired knowledge at the same time although all this popular envolvement between 1958 and 1961 it wrote texts that in general demonstrated its total concern with the education. 3 BRAZILIAN REALITY During the industrialization of Brazil (1914 the 1964) it was created the conditions institucional politics and cultural minims for the consolidation of the civilization, from 1945 the masses had started to have participation politics and to contribute in the formations of the objectives for the national development, the educators of this period are worried in defining which would be pape social of the education in a society that longed for the economic development for industrialization and modernization politics for the democratization of the social institutions. The education would finish taking a prominence for the resolution of problems, initially an ample one has debated the education would be adjusted that pedagogical society with social objectives and methods.