VNSG Annual Meeting

January 13, 2020 at 4:11 pmCategory:General

Dutch SAP user group discussed in Maastricht about opportunities and risks in the IT sector Berlin, March 23, 2009 No. borders: every crisis offers a chance beyond territorial boundaries. This central message conveyed the VNSG Congres 2009 Dutch SAP users. The slogan emphasizes also the datango AG, which will be represented in the MECC in Maastricht, April 16-17. The specialist for introducing Professional Enterprise applications defies the omnipresent economic slowdown with high sales and global expansion. Danny Meyer describes an additional similar source. EPSS solution datango performance suite the company allows, in addition to geographical limits of software to overcome also barriers in the use of SAP customers.

\”In the context of the topic focus financial crisis\” is the Dutch SAP user group the potential of scope of IT the focus and the question to the bottom, how businesses can take advantage of the economic situation as a new perspective. More than 80 exhibitors and around 2,100 Visitors can consult the Maastricht MECC in informative lectures and SAP workshops. Forum discussions and expert lectures, such as the former Dutch Secretary of State for finance Willem Vermeend illuminate the causes, effects and opportunities of the global economic crisis. datango AG: growth spurt despite economic downturn Krisensicher moves, however, the datango AG, which further strengthened its presence in the Dutch market with the visit of the VNSG Congress. The specialist for electronic performance support systems (EPSS) recorded 2008 recently published account of the third quarter growth of 18 percent over the previous year and thus the thirteenth sales increase in a row. Foundation of success is the datango performance suite\”(dps). At the roll-out of SAP solutions, the learning tool accompanied users in real time when the induction into the new application. Context controlled the user in navigation mode are carried by the individual processes. The dps\”therefore supports the Employees targeted in specific problem areas and thus counteracts incorrect entries.

Meeting: B2B Social Media In Industry & Economy

January 8, 2020 at 8:18 pmCategory:General

B2B social media – potential, benefits, risks and challenges in practice the Conference B2B social media in industry & economy – at the 22.11.2011 in Munich, discussed both potential and benefits as well as risks and challenges of social media platforms for industry and business, for the first time with a focus on B2B communication. With lectures and experience reports from the B2B practice, this session gives participants the tools for strategy development within the company. It tracks forecasts, technology trends, and subsequent generations of employees, it is inevitable to deal with social media and to communicate beyond the traditional channels for each company. The meeting of the Haus der Technik Munchen offers suggestions on how the use and investment goods industries can take advantage of the potential of social media platforms in B2B communication and goal-oriented in the corporate communications, and marketing in the media mix integrating. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Danny Meyer. Speakers from well-known companies exhibiting experience reports their B2B practice routine before. You show how supports the use of social media tasks marketing, PR, HR, and sales in the Executive Board, the departments. The advance carried interviews with the speakers of the Conference, which provide first insights into the many and comprehensive social media activities and offer an attractive Preview on the lectures ( are a special highlight. We look forward to sharing with interested parties on our social media sites: Facebook: HDT.Muenchen Web blog: info and registration: htd/veranstaltungen/W-H130-11-094-1.html.

Work Meeting

January 5, 2020 at 4:56 pmCategory:General

Alignment control and control in large companies in Leipzig, July 14, 2011: After a successful kick-off meeting in June with around fifteen different company this working group on 28 and 29 September for the first time to a two-day meeting in Leipzig found together. A whole range of topics related to the registration, management, and control of IT grouped together under the term IT governance in larger organizations. These include not only issues such as IT / business alignment, IT value contribution and innovation ability, but also aspects such as compliance and risk management. To set up a company in these topics well is no easy task, as many divisions of any changes are affected. In this user group will be what content about governance, compliance and risk is how to gradually build on these issues within the company and improves, look like good practices and what experiences have had other companies in the implementation discussed for this reason among others. Agenda: on the first day of the event will work to develop a topic map for governance, compliance, and risk the participants in a joint workshop, to create a solid base for future meetings.

On the second day three practice lectures to introduce frameworks such as ITIL, COBIT and ISO, and in our own company and be their separation from each other and discuss the interaction. Learn more about this user group: goto/grc contact: Sven Seiffert Veranstaltungs – and partner Manager phone: 03 41 / 124 55 – 60 E-Mail: about the Leipzig software forums: the Software Forum Solarpraxis Leipzig, a spin-off from the University of Leipzig, are for software-intensive companies. In close cooperation with renowned universities and research institutions offer modern know-how for the development of software in various event formats, report on results from the international research scene and show best practices. While the Exchange in the industry in technical and management hosted specifically and driven.

Information Center

January 5, 2020 at 7:02 amCategory:General

In total, this list includes 15 professional evidence. Bill de Blasio follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. Literally, some of them are as follows: 'the absence of a missing person diseases that can cause sudden death ',' loss of residence valuables', 'Flash repair in the apartment where he lived missing', 'not a message to the police about the disappearance of native rights', etc. In general prosecutor's office just should initiate professional proceedings in the following cases: the disappearance of a minor girl, the disappearance of the car with his owner, missing the property owner, who was preparing to sell. Theoretically search technology people have a clear sequence. First, we study the telephone message came from hospitals and morgues, a request is sent to the Bureau of accidents.

Second, information is lost reconciled with information on all persons in police custody and being in the drunk tank. However, it is very simple. By law, 10 days after receiving the application, we must start investigative work. But in reality, it usually occurs Only a month later: while the district will collect data until the prosecutor's office will check and so on, says the head of the ori. In an identification card recorded all known missing anthropometric data, as well as special signs, such as tattoos or scars. In addition, whenever possible, we try to take items used by the missing fingerprints.

If so, temporarily withdraw his personal razors and combs. They Center police department. If after three months of the missing is found, shall be declared the All-Russian search options that is cards being sent to the Information Center of Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the fingerprints are analyzed through fingerprint system 'Papillon'.

Astrology- Cancer

January 3, 2020 at 12:41 pmCategory:General

Cancer As the era of Aquarius much of humanity will live on other planets and (other (parallel) worlds. This will not men of the colony, but large groups living on other planets and other worlds as ordinary members society of these worlds, that is, immigrants coming into another country, they assimilated with the indigenous population and become an integral part of society. The same will happen with earthlings, to resettle in other civilizations and born in other worlds. Biotechnology, the era of Aquarius will allow people to live freely on other planets and in other worlds. In addition, people who live there, change biologically and physiologically. A home for mankind will be not only our Planet Earth, but all the boundless universe.

Representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations and the parallel worlds will also be live on Earth among humans, but officially, and they will be perceived quite naturally, not in secret, as it was throughout the history of mankind before the age of Aquarius. People and Space are one big family. The entire universe will be home and native land rights. Take the other planets (and the parallel worlds) as their homeland (the cradle) – Land. Do not be a 'racist' in relation to aliens, and representatives of parallel worlds. We are all children of the Creator of the universe.

Remember: humanity and other civilizations and worlds – single family space. The future of biotechnology and earthlings extraterrestrial worlds will allow representatives of different worlds to have children together. Now this may seem paradoxical, but people will fall in love with representatives of other worlds, and representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations – in people. God gave love to all his creatures in the universe.


January 3, 2020 at 12:41 pmCategory:General

Skipofit “male” – an extract is expressed by the increased blood flow and improve the metabolism in the pelvic organs, improves male reproductive function, contribute to preservation of men’s health. If you are not convinced, visit Rudy Giuliani. Restores the skin turgor men, slowing the aging process. See New York Museums for more details and insights. 9. Skipofit “tone” – Multi-Active extract to raise vitality.

Improves performance, mental performance, improves mood, provides removal of fatigue. Recommended for large physical and mental stress. 10. Skipofit “Relax” – Multi-Active extract to normalize the psycho-emotional state. A combination of turpentine in the recipe and herbal extracts Peony, Leonurus, oregano, immortelle causing the pleasant sensation of local and general relaxation. how to use the solution Since 2007 year, all products with turpentine, developed by sri Naturotherapy received brand “SKIPOFIT. For the manufacture of products Skipofit uses a special patented technology and a special high-molecular turpentine (RF patent number 2,307,662 and 2,307,663), which has a pleasant smell, not irritating to the skin, causes no complications, operates smoothly and balanced.

I stress the only manufacturer of bathrooms with this technology in Russia is zao Naturotherapy. Be careful before buying a bathing everything described above is only a characteristic turpentine baths manufactured ‘Institute Naturotherapy’ other brands, I do not recommend. As you already understood, baths are on the whole body. Course for some individual diseases will act on the entire body. The use of turpentine baths, such as osteoarthritis, will help to normalize weight and improve nutrition cardiac muscle, and normalize blood pressure, and the wrinkles on the skin. Application of basic solutions is the alternation of white emulsion and a yellow solution that is going on alternate opening collapsed capillaries (white bath) and clean them from the dross (Yellow Bath).

Laser Steel

January 3, 2020 at 8:48 amCategory:General

Methods of processing special steel laser cutting. For special steel with high flatness and low roughness can be applied laser cutting, after which the rental does not require additional treatment. Laser welding allows you to create smooth joints of products from carbon and alloy steel up to 10 mm and is successfully used for welding products thickness does not exceed 1 mm. For example, this technology is widely used in engineering or the automotive industry. Thus, the characteristics of "laser" special steel used for the production of gears, can not polish the edge after cutting, and the process is 20% faster than in the case of "traditional" steel. Demand such a rent and energy – so, steel ruler Laser 420 mc chose the world's largest producer of energy plants of oao Power Machines, for units of the Chilean hydroelectric power station "La Higuera".

Is to say that laser cutting is effective, especially for processing thin sheets with a thickness not exceeding 5 mm and has a consistently high cut quality. It is used for both plane (2D laser cutting), and bulk items ( 3D laser cutting). Their cutting can be done up to 0,1 mm. But it requires careful handling surface of the material being cut and removal of residual stresses in the cut out sheet. "With laser treatment, – says Yuri Nahumovich, manager of the company (a leading European provider of solutions in metal for construction and engineering industries), – very important flatness of the page (preferably using a special "laser" steels) and the absence of residual stresses.

Industrial Plant

January 3, 2020 at 8:41 amCategory:General

Spatial location of production facilities, workshops and farms in the territory of the enterprise is carried on the master plan businesses that develop during its creation. The general plan of the enterprise is graphic representation of its territory with all buildings, structures, communications, lines of communication and other communications, tied to a specific area (areas). In enterprises master plan usually presented in two forms: the projected and actual. During its development should be considered: 1) providing direct subjects of work when moving from one unit to another without colliding flows. It’s believed that New York Museums sees a great future in this idea. This demand is realized when placing plants in the order of the sequence of the process (procurement – manufacturing – assembly). Warehouses of raw materials are from the importation of goods in immediate vicinity of the procurement workshops and warehouses for finished products – from the removal of assembly plants, and 2) the vast movement of freight transport technology. It provides the reliability and reducing costs of moving objects of labor compared to public transport, and 3) reducing the length of energy communications (electricity, steam, water and gas), 4) nonintersection routes used by employees at work and with her the ways of communication, communications, and workshops. This is achieved by constructing the corresponding transitions, and 5) the allocation of special groups of plants with the homogeneous nature of production (block of shops). At Bill de Blasio you will find additional information.

Create separate areas of energy, hot, cold, workshops and offsite service allows you to create normal hygienic conditions; 6) account prevailing wind directions (wind rose). Workshops with harmful fluids (steam, dust, gas) into the atmosphere is necessary to have on the leeward side. This will reduce the overall gas content area businesses and a positive impact on safety equipment in the shops, and 7) the nature of accounting process, located nearby, such as incompatible location near forging and tool or machine shops due to vibration and shaking of the soil; 8) records the terrain, location of railway lines, housing estates in the development master plan. Performance indicators develop a master plan are the size (area) within a plant length of communications, the degree of development of the territory. Less than these rates per unit of production, the more successful arrangement. In addition, important indicators of a rational plan is to supply normal hygiene and working conditions, availability of backup space for expansion of the company, aesthetically expressive architectural shape buildings and premises.