Tag: art and science

Agricultural Sector Case

April 19, 2022 at 8:41 pmCategory:General

Declaration of Commitment of Honor I declare that this Scientific Monograph is resulted of my personal inquiry under the orientaes of my supervisors and the same one never was presented in none another institution for attainment of any acadmico degree. Maputo, To the 10 of December of 2009 Author Hlder Manuel Sitoe Epigraph ' ' All the substances are poison, do not have none that cannot be considered poison. The dose will define veneno' '. Paracelsus, 1538 Dedication I dedicate this conquest to the man who was my great example of carcter, friendship and hombridade: my father. The homesickness is immense and very great pain, but I know how much to this it would leave it monograph proud. My mother and to my brothers who for me everything had made in the hope of tomorrow, I dedicate! Gratefulness For the contribution and contribution in the most distinct forms, throughout the estudantil period, register mine fraterno gratefulness to the day partners that follow nominated which also appear as representative of many others that had not been mentioned here: A God donor of perpetual and gratuitous life, for allowing the accomplishment of plus acadmica stage in my life, obliged mine muitssimo. A my supervisors, Dr.

Pita Sitoe and Eng. Official site: patrick dwyer boston private. Khalid Cassam, for the attention, unconditional accompaniment, fruitful and permanent debates during the accomplishment of my work. Vai my deep gratefulness to the Ministry of the Education and Culture, Dpt. of Planning and the National Direco of the Agrarian Services, Dpt. of Vegetal Health, for the support during the accomplishment of this work. The Dr. Samo of the Dpt. of Mathematics of the FCNM for ajuada in the analysis the statistics and to the Srs. Bila and Cossa for the support during the field works. A all the professors of the Department of Biology and employees of the FCNM for the moral support and the teachings transmitted throughout my formation.

The History Of The Jonas Brothers

December 22, 2021 at 4:18 pmCategory:General

Jonas Brothers is one of the biggest successes of pop international. Learn more about this with dayton . The three brothers are currently a phenomenon between the public teen, espelhando boys and enchanting girls! Since early, the talent already gave its signals. The first brother to enter the artistic career was Nick, that with only six years of age was indicated for a professional entrepreneur who relieved its first work in the Broadway.Em the year of 2002, Nicholas wrote a music with the name of ' ' JoyTo The World (the ChristmasPrayer) ' '. The noise music candy in the same year entered for the album ' ' AIDS, Broadway' sGreatest Gifts: Carols Will be the Cure' '. In the year of 2003, a demon of music arrived the INO Records. The success of music was almost instantaneous, conquering space in the musical scene. It was then that, in 2004, Columbia Records discovered Nick and signed a contract with the young.

First single launched took the name of ' ' DearGod' ' , already as it was a new version of ' ' JoyToThe World (the ChristmasPrayer) ' '. Michael Gaito often addresses the matter in his writings. While Nick was waiting its album to be launched, the presidency of the recorder moved of hands and I begin it to the record was cancelled. However when the new president, Steve Greenberg, heard the writing of Nick in a hearing with the brothers Kevin and Jonas, it perceived that there it had three talentos. It was at this moment that Columbia Records decided to sign with the three Brothers, thinking about transforming them into a group teen. In the year of 2005, they had left in turn with other astros pop as Kelly Clarkson, Jesse, McCartney and Backstreet Boys. First single official of the Jonas Brothers was launched in December of the same year. Intitled of ' ' Mandy' ' , it became a success in MTV, but its album alone left in August of 2006, because the recorder finished losing interest in investing in its careers.

Although they continued working, Columbia was not interested more in the boys. In 2007, they had called the attention with the sonorous track de' ' The Small Sereia' '. This made with that the boys if became very popular with the public of the Radio Disney and Disney Channel. He was this success, one of the main reasons they to have recorded the Camp film Rock, that generated one turn world-wide with thousand of fans. The Jonas had still launched in 2009, the album ' ' Lines, VinesandTrying Times' ' , true success between the adolescents. Its musics and letters of musics can easily be joined in the net. Currently the trio records series ' ' Jonas' ' continues touching in the TV, the radios and the computers teens for there.

Aluminum Sulphate

July 24, 2021 at 4:33 amCategory:General

To work this subject the one is important to stand out the end that if considered and if the same it is justifiable for one better agreement of these processes. Thus being she is necessary to take in account some elementary concepts and consideraes for one better understanding of the considered subject, starting with substances, for example. ' ' The samples of substance that we remove generally of the nature are mixtures and are important to know the components that forma' ' (SARDELLA, 1 999). These basic concepts will be basic for such understanding, thus: substances and mixtures are. – substance: chemical species with physical properties and chemical fellow creatures.

Former: Oxygen (O2) and Iron (Faith). – Mixture: set of chemical species that present different physical and chemical properties, which can be: Homogeneous when they present one only fase' Former: Chloride of Sodium (NCl) and gua (H2O) and heterogeneous when they present more than a phase, Former: Water (H2O) and Sand – (silica oxide, SiO2). With the thematic separation of Mixtures, another important subject that it can be focused is water and its treatment. In this aspect the separation processes can be work such as: filtration, sedimentation or decantation flocculation. – Filtration: mechanical process that serves to unfold heterogeneous mixtures of a dispersed solid in a liquid or gas.

Former: Solid particle separation of the coffee (FELTRE, 1996). – Sedimentation or Decantation: mechanical process that serves to unfold heterogeneous mixtures of a solid in a liquid or two imiscveis liquids between itself. Former: Mixture of water and sand (FELTRE, 1996). Click NY Starbucks for additional related pages. According to Feltre (1996), flocculation is the process used in the ETAS (Stations of Water Treatment) where if dissolves Aluminum Sulphate (Al2 (SO4) 3) and hidrxido of Calcium (Ca (OH) 2) to hold back contained solid particles in the water (FELTRE, 1996). Water can inside also be focused of the subject, wastefulness and its pollution.

Calm Colors

December 8, 2020 at 8:19 amCategory:General

These colors are exciting and despertam strong, used emotions universally as signal of danger and acknowledgment of caution. The negrume of the night hides the stranger and provokes depression and melancholy. The black or absence of light, for some peoples fights symbolizes it, the sadness. Green of the trees under the blue sky? offering fruits, place for rest and material for shelter? it makes that these colors function as calmantes and equilibratory of the human nervous system. (PEREZ, 2004). Companies can make with that a color is the main element of presentation for its entity, making use of an exclusive color, if the color will be used in consistent way in some elements it will become part of the heading of the company. McDonalds: the source for more info.

The important one is to have certainty of that the color is reproduced in way adjusted ahead of the public who wants to reach. Later that the brain processes the visual information, comes the direction effect, the emotions and interpretations. The hot colors tend to be perceived as energy and relaxed, while the calm and introverted colds. The red tends to be perceived as sociable, exciting, powerful and protective adventurer, the related yellow the glad, good-tempered moments, stimulants, affectionate and impulsive. In the section of cold colors, we have blue and the green that acts as calmantes, as well as the purple one generates introspection.

To use a color more than can derive in an identity until simpler from what a servant for an only color. Some colors have meant universal, that they create similar reactions in certain cultures. However, they can provoke perceptions differentiated in distinct parts of the world. Slogan – It possesss raised importance in the world advertising executive, for summarizing in itself the identity/values of a mark or product, more known as positioning. They are phrases that repetidamente they appear in the propagandas.

Kerbauy Zea

November 27, 2020 at 7:11 pmCategory:General

5). When if it measured the length of the root of plntulas of maize, in paper germitest, the dark continuous caused average of 12.78 (Tab. 6). Similar comment was carried through by Kerbauy (2004), where plntulas grown in the dark one, called estioladas, are esbranquiadas (without clorofila), prolongated (sped up longitudinal growth), fragile (they do not form staple fibres), presenting system to radicular reduced in comparison with plntulas kept under illumination. Plntulas grown in the dark one presents mesoctilo and coleptilo prolongated, and keeps rolled up primary leves in the interior of coleptilo. Table 1. Percentage of germination of maize seeds (Zea mays L.), in paper germitest.

TratamentosGerminao (%) 1. 66,25 293,75 386,25 490,00 586,25 Table 2. Percentage of germination of maize seeds (Zea mays L.), in box gerbox. TratamentosGerminao (%) 172,50 295,00 382,50 478,75 576,25 Table 3. Averages of treatment of the length of the aerial part of plntulas of maize (Zea mays L.), in box gerbox. TRATAMENTOSMDIAS 1. White fluorescent light 2,14 the 2. Dark contnuo4.15 the 3.

Color azul2.54 the 4. Color vermelha2.82 the 5. Color amarela3.07 DMS = 2.89; MG = 2.94; CV = 44.87% the averages followed for the same letter do not differ statistical between itself. The Test of Tukey to the level of 5% of probability was applied. Table 4. Averages of treatment of the length of the root of plntulas of maize (Zea mays L.), in box gerbox. AVERAGE TREATMENTS 1. Fluorescent light branca3.59 the 2. Dark continuous 4,28 the 3. Read more from shimmie horn to gain a more clear picture of the situation. Blue color 3,88 the 4. Color vermelha3.58 the 5. Yellow color 3,28 DMS = 1.34; MG = 3.72; CV = the 16,48% averages followed for the same letter do not differ statistical between itself. The Test of Tukey to the level of 5% of probability was applied. Table 5. Averages of treatment of the length of the aerial part of plntulas of maize (Zea mays L.), in paper germitest.

Rafaelly Blacksmith Rasp

November 27, 2020 at 12:11 pmCategory:General

White fluorescent light 2,13 c 2. Dark continuous 8,59 the 3. Blue color 5,99 b 4. Color vermelha5.82 b 5. Yellow color 5,84 b DMS = 1.24; MG = 5.67; CV = the 10,01% averages followed for the same one letter does not differ statistical between itself. The Test of Tukey to the level of 5% of probability was applied.

Table 6. Averages of treatment of the length of the root of plntulas of maize (Zea mays L.), in paper germitest. AVERAGE TREATMENTS 1. White fluorescent light 3,32 b 2. Dark continuous 12,78 the 3. Blue color 6,99 b 4.

Red color 6,73 b 5. Yellow color 6,54 b DMS = 3.87; MG = 7.27; CV = the 24,37% averages followed for the same letter do not differ statistical between itself. At shimmie horn you will find additional information. The Test of Tukey to the level of 5% of probability was applied. CONCLUSION – 93% of the maize seeds had germinated in paper germitest in the dark continuous; the red color favored in 90% in the germination of seeds of Z. mays L.; – The seeds when submitted to the germination in boxes gerbox it was verified that the percentage of germination in the dark continuous was of 95%, followed of the blue color with 82,5%; – The dark continuous presented the best average (8.

The Water

March 14, 2019 at 4:33 pmCategory:General

Also the pollution of air through the use exaggerated of sprinkled that it comes causing the atmospheric pollution, beyond the great amount of oxide of nitrogen, carbon and sulphur proceeding from industrial activities and the vehicles motorized in composition with air, causing the acid rain that damages the ground and the vegetation, that is one of the causers of loss of life of fish. With the creation of animals, most of ammonia produced for esterco animal is set free for atmosphere; another part is converted into soluble nitrates in the ground for the decompositoras bacteria. The nitrates have high mobility (they are soluble in water and the particles of the ground are not leagued), and are one of the pollutant greaters of the underground water. It exists the agrotxicos pollution through metals heavy and products that reach the rivers. Being able all this material to arrive clean and still pure waters. milar findings. Intense the hdrica pollution produces decomposition anaerobic of the human dejections, having, a reduction of the PH of the water and the consequent increase of the solubilizao of metals, extending the risks of toxidez to the water. On the degradation of the environment, it fits to disclose that the development of new technologies brings in its bulge the degradation of the resources, production of material dejections and consumption of energies and other suppliments, modifying in a long distance without end of appropriation of the nature, as it puts down Rattner (1999 and p 109); The global situation is characterized by fast ambient deterioration in global scale, that is, for the effect greenhouse, destruction of the ozone layer, acid rain, deforestation, erosion of the ground and growth of the deserts, loss of innumerable species of plants and animals, toxic contamination of air and the water. 3.1. MEASURES OF PROTECTION FOR THE WATER. The implantation of more severe programs of protection of the hdricos resources in the nature is necessary with urgency, to prevent the greater deterioration in the quality and amount of the resources in water candy of the planet.

RMN Carbons

March 5, 2019 at 4:18 amCategory:General

Both the cited hidrognios are ' ' trocveis' ' in the hydrogen linkings, what it justifies the singletos. In composites that possess the group metoxila, one is verified singleto in d 3,60, referring to the three methylic hidrognios, strong ' ' desblindados' ' for the atom of present oxygen. If the oxygen of this group (metoxila) will be changed by one carbonila (C =), the electron-attractive effect of carbonlico carbon (lesser of what of the oxygen) will contribute for the one sprouting singleto in d 2,00. (This ' ' troca' ' it increased the electronic density on the cited hidrognios, then the chemical displacement diminished). In relation to the Nuclear Magnetic Carbon Resonance (RMN 13C), carbon atoms sp3 absorb in d 0,00 50,00 and carbons sp2 in d 100,00 the 150,00. The specter can be gotten ' ' with or sem' ' hydrogen coupling (1H? prtio). In the first case, methylic carbons (CH3) have its signal unfolded in quarteto, while the metilnicos carbon signal (CH2) is seen as tripleto.

The metnicos carbon atoms (CH) are seen as dubleto and the hidrogenados carbons (c) do not appear with the signal type singleto, in the specter. Carbon atoms 12C do not possess magnetic moment, for in such a way do not produce RMN specters. The RMN specter 13C of the benzene shows one dubleto centered in d 130. In this example, the carbon atoms are mono-hidrogenados (CH, metnicos), what it unfolds the signal in dubleto. As these carbons they are olefnicos (carbons sp2) its signal inside meets of band d 100,00 the 150,00. Carbons of carbonila of ketones appear as singleto in d 200, while of carbonila of aldehydes (group aldoxila) they are identified, in the specter, as dubleto centered in d 190. In esters, carbon atom of the group carbonila (C =) absorbs in d 160-170 ppm. In acid carboxlicos, the carbon of the group carboxila (COOH) absorbs in d 180 ppm.


April 26, 2018 at 3:48 amCategory:General

A selection center is composed basically of units of reception of residues, mats, sheds for storage of the reciclvel material and rejects. In the unit of selection, the employees must separate, manually, the reciclvel parcel reject of it. For this, the laborers must be made use in the two sides of the selection mat, being two responsible ones for the catao of each type of residue. Later, the reciclvel material needs to be made use, in accordance with the type, its respective one continer. FIG.

8 represents an example of selection mat. Figure 8? Mat of selection of the city of Limeira? SPFonte: Google Images, 2010.O I reject must follow for another type of container, so that it is conditioned and destined in accordance with the current law. So that all operation occurs with security, the employees must necessarily be of ownership of the equipment of individual protection? EPI? s (gloves, boots, masks, aprons among others). Is essential the identification of contineres in accordance with the appropriate color to each type of material, as the PICTURE 2.Quadro 2? Separation of the types of materials for corMATERIAL (TYPE) CONTINER (COR) CANS OF ALUMNIOAMARELOMETALAMARELOPAPEL/PAPELOAZULPLSTICO/GARRAFA PETVERMELHOREJEITOCINZAVIDROVERDEFonte: Adapted of material Resolution CONAMA n275/2001.Os you recycle will have to be pressed and made use for posterior sales, that could be commercialized for companies specialized in materials recycle. The exemplifica FIG.9 the packing up of the residues you recycle. Figure 9? Residues you recycle pressed – ASCITOFonte: Authors, 2010.6.1Usina of selection of ItabiritoDe agreement with the studies carried through in the Integrated Project? PIN was verified that Itabirito already possesss a center of segregation of urban solid residues. The selection of the garbage is processed for the Association of Catadores de Materiais recycle of Itabirito? ASCITO.A association has fixed headquarters in the Street Belo Horizonte, 1076? Quarter Village August Jose, Itabirito – cited MG.Conforme already, daily, the center receives the residues that arrive through a truck.

The employees (feminine sex) carry through the selection, in which each type of material is duly separate for continer. After segregated, the material is taken for the only hydraulical press that the association possesss (to see FIG. 10). After the prensamento you recycle, them enfardados follow for sales. Figure 10? Hydraulical press of the ASCITOFonte: Authors, 2010.A local reality is precarious, a time that the employees not they are equipped by the had EPIS? s (gloves, boots, masks, adjusted clothes, protectors of foot