August 29, 2018 at 12:36 pmCategory:General
The evaluation traditionally is associated in the school, the creation of hierarchies of excellency, defined or incarnate for the professor and the best pupils. Not We can only evaluate our pupils for the objective evidences, therefore the note in itself is a message that the pupil does not say of beginning what it knows, but what ' can happen to it; ' if to continue thus until the end of ano' '. Tranquilizer message for one, inquietante for others, that it also aims at to the parents with implicit or explicit demand to intervine before it is late excessively. The evaluation has the intention when if dirige the family, to prevent in double the sensible one to hinder and to warn. Alert it against the failure that if announces in contrast or tranquilizes adding since that she continues thus. These hierarchies if worry more in informing the position of the pupil of what to inform on its degree of knowledge and ability. It is perceived with that what it matters it is the certificate later and not them its knowledge and its experiences. A certificate supplies few details knowing of them acquired and the level of domain in each area.
It above all guarantees its admission in the work field. The evaluation is a gear in the functioning didactic and more globally, in the election and the pertaining to school orientation. It serves to control the work of the pupils and, simultaneously to manage the flows. The school Was satisfied with the inaqualities of success for as much time how much they seemed ' ' in the order of coisas' '. It is truth that was important that education correctly was distributed and that the pupils worked, but the pedagogia did not intend no miracle, it could not seno ' ' revelar' ' the inaquality of the aptitudes. Inside of this perspective, a formative evaluation did not have none, felt: the school taught e, if it had will and intellectual ways, the pupils learned.