Honoured Doctor

April 23, 2020 at 5:48 amCategory:General

Dr. Dmitriev is best expressed this opinion: The yogurt should be regarded as the best of yet known preparations of milk, suitable for kumysuu mare. Vladimir Dmitriev was a beautiful mare kefir grains ferment mare's milk. Nowadays, the descendant of the milkman Beck Baycharova Mirza, AA Teke, Honoured Doctor of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Medical Sciences, which legendary Beck – Mirza Baycharov (Karachai, not Ossetian, Georgian, as it was written) has great grandfather on the maternal side, stung by articles in which distorted as the story itself, and the authorship of making yogurt, violating prohibitions prophet protected by his great-grandfather, opened the world's secret production of yogurt. A. Teke patented yogurt as a national Karachay drink called Airan, Tan – Airan. Generally accepted in the literature is considered the birthplace of kefir northern slope Caucasus, where different tribes it exists under different names: yogurt, Kapiri kaafir kaafir, caps, khagu khapu, chyppe gyppe, gypy and many others. In Yalta, this drink is known as Kapiri as kefir and a kaafir in the Tatar language are important swearwords.

Many believe that the word 'yogurt' is not of Caucasian origin was from 'You're not relaxing'. It goes back to the Arabic word 'kaif', in Turkish vocalism 'You're not relaxing', which means – 'rest, a pleasant idleness. " By 1837 the word 'You're not relaxing' (meaning 'bliss') has spread widely. In the first half of this century, 'Keith' somehow forgotten. The second 'birth' word 'buzz' was only in the early 60s, after the Moscow World Youth Festival.

The Doctor

April 21, 2020 at 6:11 pmCategory:General

But this phase does not last much time, as Ross (1996, P. 53): ‘ ‘ comumente, the negation is a temporary defense, being soon substituted for an acceptance parcial’ ‘ , to the few the patient goes accepting the fact to be sick and to need to be hospitalized. However, then, some patients substitute the phase of negation for another one, in accordance with Ross (1996, P. 63): ‘ ‘ … is substituted by anger feeling, of revolt, envy and resentment. It appears, logic, a question: because I? ‘ ‘.

Ahead of this, one becomes necessary that the hospital professor knows and knows to deal with these possible eventualities. At the moment where the patient crosses a period of training of anger, the next relatives feel the same reaction emotional. First, they are with anger of the doctor who examined the sick person, and did not present the diagnosis soon; later, of the doctor who it informed of the sad reality. They can direct its fury against the staff of the hospital that never takes care of sufficiently, not importing the efficiency of the cares. (Ross, 1996, p.183) the professor who acts in necessary hospital classroom to be conscientious of such circumstances that will be able to witness and even though to deal with similar facts in its educative performance. Ahead of the displayed one, Matos; Mugiatti (2008, p.82) recommends: The responsibility assumed for pedagogo, in its relations with the children/adolescent hospitalized patients or, demands, also, experience in the plan of the psychology of the development and the education.

Happy Day Doctors

April 21, 2020 at 3:56 pmCategory:General

Medicine emerges as an instinctive act in the daily struggle that man waged against the physical nature and animal; but since its inception was a social Act: anyone and everyone were their creators; over the centuries the history recognized three milestones: the first of them is Aesculapius (or Asclepius,) for the Romans half half legend * truth represents the Magica-religiosa interpretation – Ritual, the second is Hippocrates, 460 years BC, who managed to gather all medical practice from antiquity and is considered father of the rational and empirical medicine; the third milestone is Clacudio Galen (129 years DC) who makes scientific synopsis of all the Greco-Roman medicine. In Peru, the Civico-escolar calendar recalls on October 5 as the day of the heroic action of Daniel Alcides Carrion Garcia and more than 30 thousand doctors celebrate on this day the day of Peruvian medicine. Historical background from pre-Columbian believes has existed in plants of the Peru andes a deadly disease causing fever and pallor and affected the capacheros (miners) that extracting minerals with which their peoples Siam to the incas. So Vadilla Gago described in Chronicles of 1630 published at the beginning of the last century, however the first epidemic that remembered Dr. Odriozola dates back to 1865-1870, when he was working on the railway in the train of the Center (which went from Lima to San Mateo) is the one who makes the first academic publication of this disease and is known since then as la Oroya fever. In the Government of Mariano I. Prado (1876-1879) when great prosperity (saltpeter, guano, sugar, minerals, etc.) lived the English who already exploited the mine open pit of Cerro de Pasco (polymetallic mine) decide built a railroad (a train with many freight wagons) to replace the donkeys and you until in transporting minerals from the mine to Callao. This was an ambitious work: had to drill 68 tunnels and build 60 bridges, one of which, the Galera tunnel, it was to 4781.70 msn (and it is up to the) currently the highest in the world). .

Information Doctor

April 21, 2020 at 12:41 pmCategory:General

The majority of the falls presented for the aged ones results of a complex interaction between these factors, compromising the involved systems with the maintenance of the balance. (FABRICIO, 2004) As Gamma (2008), the fall is a common event for great part of the aged people and can have disastrous consequncias. In Brazil, according to data of the System of Information Doctor/Health department, enters the years of 1.979 and 1.995, about 54.730 people had died due the falls, being that more than the halves of these people (52%), they were aged and 39.8% presented age between 80 years and 89 years. In Brazil, it enters the years of 1.984 and 1.994, it grew the participation of the falls in proportional mortality for external causes, on 3% for 4,5%. 2,2 Factors of risk the stability of the body depends on the adequate reception of information of sensorial, cognitivos components, integrativos central offices (mainly cerebellum) and musculoesquelticos, of form highly integrated. The cumulative effect of related alterations the age, illnesses and inadequate environment seem to premake use to the fall. The factors related with the age are diverse that contribute for the instability and falls. Many falls ' ' acidentais' ' they are caused by one or the combination of these factors interacting with the ambient perigos (PAPALO NETTO, 2007).

The reduction of the mass enters its factors of risk appears clearly definite ssea associated with osteoporose and the repetition falls, with traumas of low impact. Others many factors are cited in studies for raising the risk of falls, amongst them, the diverse ingesta of alcohol, coffee, tobacco, frmacos, psicotrpicos medicines, the presence of sensorial or cognitivas alterations. The breaking of antebrao costuma to produce for falls with the extended hand, in dorsal flexo. It represents the sixth cause of breakings in medical services of urgency. The pelvic breakings almost always have a fall antecedent.

North German Land Associations Cooperate About TimoCom

April 1, 2020 at 8:48 amCategory:General

Stronger together: New GTB North members gives many advantages of Dusseldorf, 2010-03-01 the cargo – and freight exchange TC truck & cargo shows once again that it is rather than just a transport market. It serves as a network all companies involved in the transport. The strategic alliances in the form of closed transport markets (GTB) are example of this. Now also the North German Land associations founded an own GTB North, to provide its members with the help of TimoCom more competitive advantages. The GTB North is a strong community in the highly-competitive transport market. Members can arrange here the load of their transport capacity in direct exchange with other members of the Union. This means: more security and efficiency in day-to-day planning.

Benefits that can also take advantage of the members of the national associations from Schleswig-Holstein, Hamburg, Bremen, Lower Saxony and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, now. More efficiency with exclusivity in addition to the existing advantages of freight and Freight Exchange TC truck & cargo with its 85,000 users and up to 300,000 cargo – cargo offers daily, the participants of the GTB North also benefit from a decisive added value compared to other customers: you can negotiate directly with their favorite business partners from other North German State associations to freight and cargo holds. In addition, offers are published first 20 minutes in the GTB North of members before they are provided then all TimoCom users. The complete package of the GTB North is a real competitive advantage so. Here the North German transport companies on a huge range of pool can be accessed. The synergies arising from the participation of the GTB North, are enormous. These associations are affiliated in the GTB North: Association of road haulage logistics and disposal Schleswig-Holstein e.V. (cf.) Association of road transport and logistics Hamburg e.V.

(VSH) Association of road haulage and disposal in the Gesamtverband transport of Lower Saxony (GVN) Landesverband transport Bremen (LVB) e.V. Association of the transport industry of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (LV M-V) e.V. For more information about the TimoCom and on the GTB North, see. Press contact: TimoCom soft- und hardware GmbH Manager corporate communication Tim motorcycling in the Steele 2 DE-40599 Dusseldorf phone: + 49 211 88 26 69 13 fax: + 49 211 88 26 59 13 E-mail: