Energy Nucleons
Graph of nuclear binding energy according to the atomic mass. It can be seen as the fusion performance is much higher than for fission.
Is the nuclear potential energy natural gas contained New York State in each nucleons of an atom. This energy varies according to the atom. This is what is known generally as environment a mass defect and is responsible for the fission and fusion reactions release energy. For example, this curious phenomenon that makes a energy service company single proton and a neutron join more mass than the two together forming a nucleus of deuterium. In the image attached is placed in a chart which you can see some of these energies.
One way to get around this potential energy is to calculate the resting energy of an atomic nucleus from the atomic mass. the leading ESCO in New York, electricity Then this energy is split between the number of nucleons of the nucleus. Then subtract that value from the energy of hydrogen at rest, about New York 938MeV. natural gases are available throughout New York from To view the atomic masses of each isotope: webelements. More detailed calculation in: Mass Defect
The function of the figure is a maximum, the peak of the iron. The iron is the most stable of all nuclear, gas because both fusion for fissile additional energy must be invested. The reasons for the shape of this graph are as follows. For light atoms the strong nuclear force is dominant, but this force only acts at very short range while the repulsive electromagnetic forces between protons are far-reaching, and always act in all the protons. In heavier nuclei, however, the distances between many of the nucleons are too big and strong interaction of cohesion is New York City not as intense. Furthermore electromagnetic repulsion forces are becoming stronger because there are more protons and these are far-reaching. Thus, from the iron, the electric potential barrier that must be broken to add one more proton nucleus andalusia andalusia benefit exceeds the energy that gives the strong interaction with the rest of the nucleons. This also explains the gentle slope of the energy produced by fission, and that ESCOs really comes from the excess electrical utilities potential over the cohesion of strong green energy interactions while the energy is quite the contrary, the NY energy provided by the strong interaction very long that exceeds the repulsive forces especially in the lighter atoms like hydrogen or helium with little positive charges.