Federal Government
When the subject is violence against the woman, the data is preoccupying: in 2007 the number of cases taken care of for the Police station of the Woman was of 803, being 248 threats; 30 of defamation; 12 rapes; 60 of assault and battery; 01 homicide attempt; 212 cases of domestic violence. The numbers of 2008, 2009 and 2010 disclose given lighter: 343 cases, being 117 of threats had been taken care of; 07 of calumny; 11 of defamation; 03 attempts of rape; 10 rapes; 27 of assault and battery. (data of the Special Police station of the Woman) the reduction of the number of cases not yet was analyzed with depth, but the existence of the Law is given credit that Maria of Penha, the creation of the Coordenadoria de Public Polticas for the Women in middle of the 2008 and the City council of the Rights of the Women and creation of the City department of the Woman in the year of 2009 and its spreading has inhibited the actions of violence against the woman, but it is necessary to outside analyze also that these data are not mentioned to the cases denounced in the existing common police stations in some quarters of the City and the Agricultural Zone, the cases of those women that they do not have the courage of denouncing the suffered abuses. In this direction, the City department of the Woman searchs alternatives of combat to the violence against the woman, guaranteeing to them adequate conditions of conduction of the proper life for the confrontation of its vulnerabilities and its situation of violence implanting from the year of 2009 projects conveniados with the Federal Government and programs defrayed with proper resources that they have subsidized in the solution of the projects that break up the installment of the public services. Amongst services given for the city of Caxias through the City department of the Woman in the confrontation of the sort violence, can be detached as brainstorming for the question of sort and domestic and familiar violence in the municipal scope among others measured the implantation of the following public services: 1.Projeto of Reorganization of the Center of Reference and Attendance to Woman – CREAM, with acquisition of a new vehicle 4×4 to take care of the demand of women of the agricultural zone, as well as carrying through visits to these users who were invibializadas by in the distance and difficult access of the roads; 2.Projeto of Estruturao and Aparelhamento, the City council of the Rights of the Woman? CMDM, acquisition of equipment, materials of expedients, didactic and spreading of the Advice, confectioning ten a thousand units of the Law n 11,340/2006 of 7 of August of 2006 – Law Maria of the Penha to distribute in the community, public schools and too much spaces; 3.Projeto of Qualification of Professionals of the Net of Attendance to the Woman, understanding the professionals of the Secretariat of the Woman, Center of Reference of the Woman, CAPS, CAPS/AD, CRAS, CREAS, Advice To tutor and excessively professional of the Social Assistance, Secretariat of education and other professionals of the net of attendance to the woman in the city. .
Tags: government and politics