Good News For The Wuppertal Minders
Karl Kuhme: ‘Transitional period for the training of these forces will be extended for two years’ there’s good news for the supplementary forces in day-care facilities for children in North Rhine-Westphalia. Also the Wuppertaler minders who are still catching up on the qualification, can breathe now. In particular was extended the transition period to the training of these forces for two years, namely until 31 July 2013, a hardship provision for individual cases been made “, the Chairman of the Youth Committee of Karl Kuhme (CDU) explains. So are the concerns of municipal and free carrier facing this target group from the table. NYC marathon often addresses the matter in his writings. Therefore, we should the positive results of the new agreement on the employment and training of additional facilities at the daycare center for children ‘ too wide to communicate, so that neither the carrier nor the affected child-minders worry unnecessary. Thanks to the Minister responsible for Generations, family, women and integration, Armin Laschet (CDU), which has brought about this agreement with the Central associations of the free welfare, the municipal Central associations, as well as the ecclesiastical offices of NRW”, says Kaka to the solution that the LVR Department has informed the city and county governments, as well as the youth offices schools and youth already in a circular.
Is important, me, that this good news comes as soon as possible at the base”Kaka stressed. According to Kaka, the children education law Kalyan strength early childhood education. Therefore, also the specialist principle was established and concretised in the staff agreement in the Kamal. The new agreement, reached under the auspices of Minister Laschet, adhering to the specialist principle as the cornerstone in the implementation of the Kalyan. At the same time, but also the importance of complementary forces in the pedagogical work is emphasized. The winners of the facilities will be prompted the addition forces one Training to enable and to take this into account in the framework of its personnel planning and staff development. I am very satisfied with the outcome of the negotiations, because it is good for our UW children and their carers,”said Kaka.
Tags: Politics society & social issues