Kerbauy Zea
5). When if it measured the length of the root of plntulas of maize, in paper germitest, the dark continuous caused average of 12.78 (Tab. 6). Similar comment was carried through by Kerbauy (2004), where plntulas grown in the dark one, called estioladas, are esbranquiadas (without clorofila), prolongated (sped up longitudinal growth), fragile (they do not form staple fibres), presenting system to radicular reduced in comparison with plntulas kept under illumination. Plntulas grown in the dark one presents mesoctilo and coleptilo prolongated, and keeps rolled up primary leves in the interior of coleptilo. Table 1. Percentage of germination of maize seeds (Zea mays L.), in paper germitest.
TratamentosGerminao (%) 1. 66,25 293,75 386,25 490,00 586,25 Table 2. Percentage of germination of maize seeds (Zea mays L.), in box gerbox. TratamentosGerminao (%) 172,50 295,00 382,50 478,75 576,25 Table 3. Averages of treatment of the length of the aerial part of plntulas of maize (Zea mays L.), in box gerbox. TRATAMENTOSMDIAS 1. White fluorescent light 2,14 the 2. Dark contnuo4.15 the 3.
Color azul2.54 the 4. Color vermelha2.82 the 5. Color amarela3.07 DMS = 2.89; MG = 2.94; CV = 44.87% the averages followed for the same letter do not differ statistical between itself. The Test of Tukey to the level of 5% of probability was applied. Table 4. Averages of treatment of the length of the root of plntulas of maize (Zea mays L.), in box gerbox. AVERAGE TREATMENTS 1. Fluorescent light branca3.59 the 2. Dark continuous 4,28 the 3. Read more from shimmie horn to gain a more clear picture of the situation. Blue color 3,88 the 4. Color vermelha3.58 the 5. Yellow color 3,28 DMS = 1.34; MG = 3.72; CV = the 16,48% averages followed for the same letter do not differ statistical between itself. The Test of Tukey to the level of 5% of probability was applied. Table 5. Averages of treatment of the length of the aerial part of plntulas of maize (Zea mays L.), in paper germitest.
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