Marcolino Shepherd Oak
(2005 the 2008) 33Marcones Librio de S (Current). With the Republic also the creed freedom if made to even feel in the hinterland. The Periodical of the Evangelizador, of 1945, of the account of the death of the Marcolino Shepherd Oak, operating in the northeast region, Sousa in the Paraba, Cear and Pernambuco with performance in Willow, Saint Maria and Cut Serra, being the recognition of the work of this shepherd, one proves of that the monopoly of religion catholic in the region had finished. (To see news article of the Periodical? The Evangelista? of 1945, in annex). Also the actions of social inclusion of remaining quilombolos of the escravagista period signal for the visible participation of blacks and mestizos in the process of rescue of the identity and citizenship.
Currently, Willow possesss the following Districts: the Headquarters, Conceio of the Creoles, Ones, Vasques and Pau Iron. The origin of the town of Conceio of the Creoles was given, second is counted, beginning of century XIX, when six free blacks had arrived at the region had leased a 3 area of lguas (1 lgua = 6 km) in square. (website of the City, 2009). With the production and wiring of the cotton that vendiam in the city of Flowers, had obtained to pay the income and had gained the right to the ownership of lands. In 1802, the Creoles had received the writing with the stamp from the Tower, sixteen stamps, made for Thin Jose, notary of the notary’s office of Flowers. This history is counted in the most diverse small farms, binding identity of the community of Conceio of the Creoles to the descent of its founders, who through the work had taken the initiative to legitimize the land, before exactly of the men who had also come here. One of them of name Francisco Jose, run away from the war, Lady of the Conceio brought obtains an image of Ours.
Tags: History