North American Anne Rice
The small summary concerning Lord Byron, that folloies Fragmentosde a Story, in the coletnea of stories the Vampire before Drcula, defines the byroniano hero as owner of: ' ' a well characteristic personality, idealized cheiade imperfections, that only make to increase its allure. Gotten passionate ecomportamento has an immense talent, and, at the same time, she is a rebel who disdains social asinstituies, the social status and the headings. Arrogant ouexcessivamente confident, marked for frustrated loves, it hides one passadoobscuro or shady. All these traces take to a behavior autodestrutivo' ' (P. 89) This description of the protagonists of histories of LordByron, however, could also perfectly be the description of Lestat deLioncourt, amoral creation of the North American Anne Rice, in Interview with oVampiro.
The romance of Anne Rice is told by the vampire Louis Pointedu Lac, that counts its history for the young reporter, Daniel. Former de Nova Orleans, Louis was vampirizado in ends of century XVIII porLestat. The vampires of Anne Rice bring many differences comrelao to the folclrico vampire and to the vampire that traditionally appears naliteratura, for example, they do not have fear of crucifixos and they are not transformamem animal. However, you the personages if approach to these previous vampires deoutras ways. Feeling itself guilty for the death of its brother, who falls deuma after staircase a violent quarrel with Louis, this he starts to live ' ' comoum man who wanted to die, but did not have courage to make it sozinho' ' (P. 18).
Of this form, we have old the thematic one of the invitation. In Christabelde Coleridge, for example, the mysterious Geraldine arrives desfalecer door of the castle, being necessary that the protagonist who of the name histriaa carregue for inside. However, in Interview with the Vampire, oconvite does not appear as permission to adentrar definitive place, but to paratomar this life.
Tags: literature