O3SIS Living Mobility Mobile World Congress 2009
O3SIS presents innovative living mobility products on the mobile world the O3SIS AG, a leading provider of mobile software solutions, gave Congress Barcelona, Spain, Overath, Germany, February 10, 2009 today to present your products at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain from 16-19 February. On this year’s event O3SIS the new editions of their living communication suite \”for mobile operators and Enterprise presents. Also the new living media suite will be presented\”. With software as a service (SaS) solutions, mobile advertising and hosting offers O3SIS flexible business models for the diverse requirements of today’s markets. Add to your understanding with NY Starbucks. O3SIS ‘new ‘living communication suite – Carrier Edition’ was developed with a focus on a novel, particularly user-friendly use. The O3SIS living address book \”latest client comes with technology for data synchronization and push applications on Smartphones and cell phones (Windows Mobile, BlackBerry, iPhone, Symbian, and more). O3SIS shows how network operators the value networked personal data (networked personal data’) can leverage.
With built-in syndication solutions (E.g. Summary of E-Mail accounts and address books in a central application) merge the boundaries between mobile applications and social networks. With the ‘living Media Suite\”including\” living phone safe-Advertising Edition ‘ O3SIS introduces new solutions, mobile data and media to secure and sure to be replaced. \” Product range enables mobile operators to increase not only the customer loyalty, but also to combine with meaningful value-added services, and to develop at the same time innovative, ad-funded offer forms. The O3SIS ‘ \”living push mail\” product the consumer gets one of the best currently available push-E-mail services on virtually any mobile phone without limitation certain types of devices or operating systems. The product combines different standards and technologies, packaged in a homogeneous service and individually optimized according to the abilities of the Cell phones, or Smartphones. The combination and integration with other O3SIS products resulted in an unsurpassed personal communication experience for the user.
Tags: hardware & software it