Sarah Jessica Parker
House of the book and DeAPlaneta bypass 50 double invitations for free see the new film starring actress Sarah Jessica Parker, temptation in Manhattan, which will debut in the Spanish cinemas on October 21. To achieve them, users should only gain access to the House of the book on Facebook fan page and register in the promotion via the-enabled application for the draw, which will be held on October 17 before a notary. Participation in the Sweepstakes period extends from October 4 and until the 14th of this month, so it already can begin to apuntaros to opt to go to the movies free and invite your partner or friends, that with the current prices of movie tickets, never anything wrong is take advantage of one of these free promotions. In temptation in Manhattan, Sarah Jessica Parker plays the life of Kate Reddy, working and married woman, struggling to reconcile their professional and personal lives. His life takes a turn when, to achieve a promotion at his job and having to travel regularly to New York City for business, it is tempted by the presence of an attractive man, played by Pierce Brosnan, who becomes his new coworker. Join this promo for the book House already!.
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