Tag: environment

North America

August 24, 2020 at 10:56 amCategory:General

(SECRETARIAT OF the Environment, 2001) SPECIAL GARBAGE is the garbage found in ports, road airports, terminals or railroad, constituted of septic residues, it can contain deriving pathogenic agents of a picture of endemic disease of another place. INDUSTRIAL GARBAGE is that one originated in the industrial activities, inside of the diverse existing productive branches. (SECRETARIAT OF the Environment, 2OO1) AGRICULTURAL GARBAGE is solid residues of the agricultural activities and the cattle one, as for seasoning example, packings and agrotxicos, agricultural defensive, ration and remaining portions of harvest. (SECRETARIAT OF the Environment, 2001) (2,4 selective Coleta and recycling the selective collection estimate the separation of the materials recycle as papers, glasses, plastic and metals of the remain of the garbage in its proper generating sources, they are residences, schools, offices or other types of establishments. For assistance, try visiting belleclaire. These materials are collected the part in containers specific and directed for a recycling center. Later then, they pass for a selection finer than it in accordance with selects them the requirements of the purchasers.

Divided in the different categories, the prepared materials you recycle then are submitted to the cleanness and for the commercialization. (CEMPRE, 2001) The more clean and better conditioned, bigger it will be its price for sales. The resources proceeding from the sales of these sucatas are generally reverted in the proper sustentation of the system and in urban improvements for the community that in it participates. Although now the selective collection of the garbage only starts to be introduced in bigger scale in Brazil, it already it comes being adopted has much time for diverse countries of the Europe and North America. (CEMPRE, 2001) In some states of U.S.A., the separation of the materials you recycle in the residence already became a legal obligation. This is only justified in function of the multiple advantages that this system can provide in relation to the traditional ways of collection, treatment and destination it garbage.

The Irrigation

April 22, 2019 at 7:11 amCategory:General

Have serious decurrent problems of the application of herbicidas in irrigaopor flooding; in the irrigation for ridge, the carreia applied water, deherbicidas, beyond fertilizing, defensivose sediments. Also it can occur of slower form, by means of the subsurface lenolfretico, that receives fertilizers, defensives and herbicidas dissolved in the applied water. This contamination to podeser aggravated will be had leaves soluble in the ground, therefore, to if infiltrating, the water you leave jcontendo them applied in the farming, still you leave will dissolve them the ground, becoming more harmful. The contamination of the underground water is well slower. The necessary time percolao until the underground sheet increases with the decrease of the alone permeabilidadedo and with the depth of the sheet. To reach a fretico sheet situadoa about 30 mde depth, depending of the permeability of the ground, the 50anos can be necessary de3. There a serious problem inhabits, therefore much time after only is that quea will be known underground water comes being poluda; this problem if aggravates the sosais pollutants dissolved, nitrates, pesticides and metals heavy. Previous a geologic study it can disclose concentration of you leave soluble noperfil the ground and to indicate the areas most favorable, that is, with minor potencialde contamination of the hdricos resources.

How much bigger to the losses for percolaoe for superficial draining in the irrigation, greaters will be the possibilities decontaminao of the sources and the underground water. One becomes necessary, cadavez more, to dimensionar and to manejar the systems of irrigation with bigger efficiency, as well as correctly dosing fertilizers, herbicidas and defensives. In accordance with IBGE (1993), 96% of the water distributed in Brazil is analisadae receives some type of treatment, as filtration and addition of chlorine and fluorine. Of 25% of the domiciliated population of the country in agricultural areas, only 9.3% have redede water supply, 57.9% use water of well or spring and 32.8% tmoutra supplying form.


April 22, 2018 at 5:33 pmCategory:General

Fiorillo in its workmanship places that the denomination solid residue includes the discharges of solid materials proceeding from the industrial operations, commercial, agricultural and of the community. In other words, it affirms that solid garbage or residues is any rubbish, silt, lamas and splodges resultants of activities human beings of domestic, professional, agricultural, industrial, nuclear origin or of service. It considers despite these if constantly aggravate in result of the demographic growth of the urban nuclei and especially of the areas metropolitans. Given the conceptualization of Fiorillo regarding the garbage, this article is started saying that the increasing production of the garbage is closely on to the exacerbado consumerism that if it installed in the society in a general way, being a problem local, but not only planetary. The population density, the purchasing power and the North American model of life contribute so that objects quickly are substituted by others with better marks, more powers, bigger speed or because they are in fashion.

The agricultural exodus with the consequent population concentration in the urban centers also is important factors in the development of such problem. Concomitantly to the cited causes however we have a collection and final disposal of the inefficacious garbage, since most of the collected lixos is deposited in lixes without any treatment, some in urban zones, other next a hidrogrficas nets. This garbage cause contamination of the ground and the water, propitiates the proliferation of animals undesirable as rats and cockroachs being, therefore, of any form, vector of illnesses. It is seen, thus, that the question of the garbage more than an ambient problem is also social and politician, mainly when we come across in them with families liveing in these places. However, for the analysis of the context of the garbage, one becomes necessary to analyze the birth of the consumption culture, which is closely on to the problematic one of the garbage in the present time.