The American Dictionary
In this in case that, the defenders of such position has a still bigger problem. Jesus said that one ‘ ‘ gerao’ ‘ he would not pass without everything was fulfilled. Soon, when everything will be fulfilled ‘ ‘ gerao’ ‘ or ‘ ‘ raa’ ‘ it will have that to pass or to leave to exist and this it goes against that they believe that it has promises of concernentes Gods after the nation of Israel the second coming of Christ. I finish with the wise words it writer Gary DeMar: ‘ ‘ Generation does not mean ‘ ‘ raa’ ‘ in the English nor in the Portuguese, as Scofield insists. The American Dictionary of the English Language of 1828, Noah Webster, defines ‘ ‘ gerao’ ‘ as ‘ ‘ a simple succession in the natural descent, as the children of the same parents; therefore, an age. Thus, we say third, fourth, the tenth generation. … The people of the same period, or living at the same time: ‘ generation skeptic and perversa.’ …
‘ ‘ Noah Webster lists ‘ ‘ raa’ ‘ as the sixth meaning possible. The Shorter Oxford English Dictionary (1968 edition) list ‘ ‘ raa’ ‘ as last the meaning possible. The use contemporary also militates against using ‘ ‘ gerao’ ‘ as a synonymous one for race. When we speak of one ‘ ‘ generation gap’ ‘ , we do not want to say a hiato between races. One ‘ ‘ generation gap’ ‘ it is a time interval that exists enters two groups of people who had lived in different ages. The word genea Greek, in its ‘ ‘ meaning natural not forado’ ‘ , when if comparing Writing with Writing, it means ‘ ‘ gerao’ ‘. in the case of Mateus 24:34, the generation to who Jesus was speaking.
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