The Formation
In the search of a mechanism of auto defense, ahead of the crisis after the process of revolution occurred in the Europe, these in turn, establish a cooperative, them that they were living of the periphery of Manchester, starting to assume legal responsibilities, registering in 24 of October of 1844, the cooperative of consumption, created with the name of ' ' Society of the Honest Pioneers of Rochdale' '. Thompson, in its workmanship ' ' The Formation of the Laboring Classroom Inglesa' ' , the Robert Owen, this leader with socialist ideology makes references. In first place in the same line of continuity in the comunitaristas ideas and experiences associates to the Quacres, Camisards and particularly to the Moravianos. It was in Bolton and Manchester that one I leaven initial in a small group of Quacres opponents culminated in the departure, in 1774, of ' ' Mother Ann' ' with a small one it leads of emigrants, to establish the first Shakers communities in the United States; forty years later, Robert Owen would find stimulates in the success of the Shakers, whose ideas had been for it popularized in secular form. Thompson in them presents the source in which Owen found inspirations to develop its ideology, the success of the Shakers takes it the creation of communitarian ideals, being accurately this thought that in posterior moment, some decades later, culminates in the creation of the cooperative of Rochdale, considered as the beginning of the world-wide cooperativismo. It is important to remember that the social context, economic politician and whom the capitalism generated are the same that made to be born the socialism, while the bourgeoisie if fortified economically and the modern state to the few was consolidated under the liberal thought, the socialist ideals also gained force influenced by the marxist ideology. As authors, Marx and Engels, comment in its workmanship ' ' Comunista.' manifesto; ' The weapons that the bourgeoisie used to abate the feudalismo are turned today against the proper bourgeoisie. .
Tags: History