Unity Looks
"Love – this is not looking at each other does not, and look in one direction." It's no secret that family relationships throughout life can change. When we meet her half, the storm of feelings overwhelmed us, taking in the fabulous country dreams. The flow of hormones, which fills our honeymoon period – it is the internal energy, a powerful force that allows you to see the world beautiful, to feel love and happiness. During this period, we are able to create, modify itself and their world. But then what happens? What hinders love to keep these feelings in your life? What's the problem? The problem is that we can not always fully embrace his chosen way it is. And this rejection of evaluation creates and generates resistance within us that prevents us to receive and give love. All this has deep roots that lie in the fact that each side long before he met his chosen has already opinion on how it should be, what he should do and what should not, what is permissible and what is – no.
This position is focused not on creating a happy life together and harmony, and the realization of personal interests. Thus, we are creating his limitations, which causes resistance to receiving love and happiness. This gives rise to misunderstandings and conflicts. From the moment when someone in someone that is beginning to not like it, begins rejection, the rejection of his half. Is fragmented relations: "This I accept, but it does not accept." Begin sorting out relationships.
Tags: Family Psychology home and family