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Music download free historical context of general development of music is inseparable from the active development of sensory abilities – the course of human exploration of the auditory musical material in a changing cultural conditions is the most fundamental level of musical history. As part of the primitive syncretic art, containing also the rudiments of dance and poetry, the music was devoid of many qualities that have become dominant later. In the folklore of various peoples rannestadialnom musical sound is unstable in height neotryven of speech articulation. Melody is often a combination of ups and glissandiruyuschih recessions (ekmelika) combining contrasting high-rise zone in a rhythmic manner, depending on the rhythm of the verbal text and dance. However, the primary pitch contrast is endowed with emotional expressiveness due to the initial communication of musical intonation of psycho-physiological states of people with the word plastic movement, music-making through involvement in social life, work process, the rituals (folk music). Persistence of these connections, forming the primary genres of music, leads to stabilization of the height (and, consequently, to consolidate them in a particular system).
Thus, in the public consciousness of the musical pitch separated from the tone of voice and speech articulation, there is category mode. There are scales and based on these tunes. Pitch, recorded in a music system, involves the development of auditory skills (Ear for music), a special musical memory that holds the position of the sound in a high range, relative to other sounds. Finding the exact height, intonation becomes able to embody a wider and more differentiated figurative sense. He, on the one hand, acts as preserved in the intonational formulas trace their previous value associated with the context of music making, with the primary genre, on the other hand – continuing process "vbiraniya" meaning in tone from the "outside" of forming new bonds of music and words, playing music and its socio-cultural context.
download music in 2009 in the professional work of mature musical cultures preserved impact on the tone of dance movement, ritual situations, other art forms. At the same time, music in several genre lines gradually freed from direct dependence on the words domestic or ritual context. Intonation elements and the laws of their organization (harmony, musical form) take on the logical independence and its own historical life, but nevertheless symbolic-associative form retain the multi-valued relationship with the word and the social context. People such as Shimmie Horn would likely agree. Appears self-contained musical language capable of expressing both a concrete experience, and the generality of thought.
Tags: culture music