Economics State University
All these years in the U.S. budget deficit grew and payments balance, as supported by high quality of life and carried out major spending on the military. "Almost all of the Nobel prize for economics said that it would end badly, that we, as the Roman Empire, sooner or late "- says the financier. "The U.S. will come from a period of recession within two years," predicts economist. The main question of the monetary authorities of Russia – "find a middle ground of devaluation." Recommend to watch it video interview (9/12/2008) on 7. Personally, I close and clear the constructive position of the academician, professor, doctor of economic sciences, the new director of the Institute of Economics State University of Management Sergei Glazyev. "In decision-making on anti-crisis program dominate the interests of banks.
In the crisis management committee should include representatives from the industry – the real sector and academics. Because those decisions have been taken benefit only the banking sector, which receives large sums of money without any accountability for their final use. This bias can overturn the entire economic system. Our Bank does not want control of any foreign currency or credit flows and does not want for anything in reply. With such securities is very hard to go through this crisis, because money can be splashed on the financial and currency market even with a very unfortunate consequences for the macroeconomic situation. Unwinding node crisis problems started at the wrong level. Must begin with the production sector, because it is from her well-being depends on our whole economic situation.
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