Finishing Offices
Considerable work is painting a very huge: paint protects the structure from rot, corrosion, provided the condition of health care, unnecessary absorption of water evaporation, giving the charming appearance. Require costly finishing work, they make up 30-35% of total labor costs at the site, with about 30% of these costs fall only on the implementation of the painter's works. Labor costs in implementation poslemontazhnyh painting operations are reduced, depending on their level of mechanization, industrialization, and the organization of the existence of a production base for the centralized production of these semis as dry mortar, putty, primer, pastes, emulsions, Colerne aqueous and nonaqueous compositions, complete supply of semi-finished products and materials Limit-picking cards for each building, the organization of production finishing, including painting, on a thread-cyclical method; use in the manufacture of paint works best equipment and technology implementation using the most efficient machines, tools and devices, as well as new materials that have a huge impact on the delivery time and quality work. At the present time in finishing the buildings along with modern painting materials are extensively used waterborne emulsion polymer paint – a polyvinyl acetate, styrene butadiene, acrylic, etc., artificial karboksimetiltsellyulozny glue (CMC), displacing animal and vegetable glues, putty of CML HPC, SVSH and so on, polymer paint for painting the facades in the winter and summer, and paint with liquid potash glass on the solutions of polymer resins and others. Almost twice reduced the complexity of coloring, application elektrokraskopultov instead of hand guns. Are widely used pneumatic paint sprayers for painting the facades, with which you can process up to 400-500 m2 / h.
Tags: and Interior Design construction of life