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School Of Doctors

July 20, 2016 Comments Off on School Of Doctors

In Depilhair all the doctors are enrolled in the School of Doctors. Depilhair this authorized by Health for the offered treatments, counted with an insurance of civil responsibility of 1.200.000 . Besides for professionalism DEPILHAIR it pleads for the continuous innovation like way to emphasize and to offer the best supply in the market. Our model of business, on the contrary that the competition, is not seasonal. Betting by the last technology laser allows us to also realise shaving treatments in summer. And in addition, to offer a great diversity of doctor-aesthetic treatments, allows to give to a customized service all the year us.

And this without a doubt is success guarantee. As warning the chain of aesthetic clinics medical puts the example to us of kindness of the Shaving Laser against the Fotodepilacin. LASER SHAVING: Only doctors: The laser is a medical aparatologa that always must be supervised by a doctor and applied by aids of fixed Aparatologa infirmary: The material does not move of the center and therefore the laser does not undergo abrupt blows Pulses of test: The aparatologa used in centers DEPILHAIR before emitting a firing in a client forces to calibrate, that is to say, it occurs pulses of test in itself, measuring that everything works correctly and in case something it fails, does not let work until service solves the technical it. Greater effectiveness: The laser works with more energy, reason why it secures a penetration of 4 mm In this way eliminates the pilar follicle and not only the hair is debilitated. Consequently many are needed less sessions. Well-taken care of skin: During the treatments, the skin must perfectly be cooled and be protected. The laser takes built-in system DCD (Dynamic Cooling Device) used in Depilhair which allows an optimal protection of the dermis, since it selectively cools the layers superiors of the skin with a pulverization of crigeno milliseconds before the pulsation of the laser.

Tags: health

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