German Wilhelm Marr
The German Wilhelm Marr wanted to use a word that differentiated the antijudaism of its time of the precedent. This distinction more ahead we will deal with. For however, we will see as the manifestation of the antissemitismo preceded and very the sprouting of palavra.5A origin of this feeling in relation to the Jews is well old. For Yehuda Bauer, professor of University of Jerusalem, this persecution has cultural roots. Some principles of the judaism as the equality and the critical ones to the slavery and the authority had made of this people a danger for the Mesopotmia, Egypt, Greece and Rome, that could not tolerate such ideas, completely contrary to the bases of its sociedades.6 Moreover, the Jews bothered for its culture of not assimilation. For many, this last attitude was, in the truth, a reply to the attacks and an intrinsic characteristic of the people judeu.7Em the Dispora of the time Roman the Jew did not spread obtains the antijudaism, loaded of two aspects? to be different and to have another one religio.8 Before exactly of the Christianity if to become the official religion of the Empire, some writings of the Church already condemned the Jews. Already during the Average Age, them they received the most varied descriptions: ‘ ‘ children of proper diabo’ ‘ .
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