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January 6, 2017 Comments Off on Jerusalem

They zombaramdele, therefore thought that she spoke of the temple of Jerusalem. But ' ' it said dotemplo of its corpo' ' , made renewed curse and in the resurrection. Jesus diza same thing of another form: ' ' If the wheat grain that falls in the land to nomorrer, will remain alone; but if to die, will produce much fruit; I did not come to serservido, but to serve and to give the life for the multitude, pra that it has emabundancia life. Therefore, when it revived of deceased, its discpulosacreditaram in it ' ' Jo 2,19-22. The new temple is not made of rock and clay, but of alive people: he will destroy nobody it, therefore God made same it. Faith depends danossa, to leave to mold us for the holy ghost Potter and to be alive rock of novoTemplo. The heart of the people was hard, insensitive as the rocks doterreno that Jav cleaned to plant its vine.

The heart of Jav is of meat, sensible, merciful. For having the heart of rock and hard head, the noentendia people, it did not keep in the heart word of Jav, did not believe that one slhe dedicated love. Jav if complained. ' ' I created children I made, them to grow and were elesrebelaram against me. The ox knows its owner, the jumento, the manger of the seusenhor, but Israel is incapable to know, my people cannot understand. Dopovo there full of iniquity, the nation pecadora' ' Is 1,2-4.

The ethical iniquities eimundcies harden the heart of the people and they become it insensitive the love deJav. It annoys it to this and uneasy, but it does not give up to change the mentality, ocorao of the people: it promises to transform charneca of the heart of the people into terrafrtil. Heart as of Jav, ' ' God of mercy, slow for aclera, full of compaixo' ' , it is messianic promise.

Tags: personal development

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