Harvard University
Carried through in the University of Illinois, the study she analyzed more than given of the Gallup World collected Poll 2005-2009 in 150 countries.Published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, the research sample that 68% of the interviewed ones affirm that ' ' the religion is important part of its vidas' '. ' ' Difficult circumstances take the people to be more religious, it becomes what them happyer of what those that do not league to none religio' ' , it says Ed Diener, author of the research. Belief in a loving God and just helps the people in the confrontation of the daily challenges In accordance with researchers of the University of Harvard, in the United States, people who believe a benevolent God, tend if to worry little and to be more tolerant of what the people who believe a punitive or indifferent god. For David Rosmarin, one of the authors of the research, this constatao he indicates that the professionals of the mental health must start to integrate the beliefs spirituals of its patients in the formularization of the treatments. ' ' The implications of this research for the field of psychiatry are that we have that to take more to the serious a espiritualidade of the patients of what we make today, ' ' it affirms Rosmarin.
' ' The majority of the psychiatrists is unprepared to conceitualizar as the beliefs spirituals can contribute for affective state e, thus, many teimam in not integrating this subject in the treatment of a form that either spiritual sensible, ' ' complete the doctor. The research included initially interviews with Christians and Jews. Harvard creates graduation course on religion The scientific production on psychological aspects of the religious belief increased in such a way in recent years that doctors of the Harvard University, the most sanctioned of U.S.A., had created one discipline of permanent graduation to only deal with the subject.
Tags: religion