Poem With Messages
Analysis Messages? Fernando Person Blazon? Quinas Fifth D. Sebastio, King of Portugal the book messages is divided in three parts: Blazon, Portuguese Sea and the hidden one. This first part receives this name, Blazon, for having its structure written as of the Portuguese Blazon. This blazon is composed for seven castles and five quinas. Thus Fernando person writes this first part of the book.
In ' ' Castelos' ' , Fernando Person tells to history Dos Reis and queens of Portugal, counted in seven poems, as the number of castles in the Blazon. In ' ' Quinas' ' , as in the blazon, Fernando Person he counts in five poems the crucial points of the history of Portugal. The fifth poem, that locks up this part, tells the history of D. Sebastio, the last king of the Avis dynasty. D.
Sebastio leaves Portugal with intention to reconquer Jerusalem to the catolicismo. In this it had material interests, religious envaidecedores and. D. Sebastio wanted largeness? how cites Fernando in the poem? but he did not obtain it. In the fight for this conquest, it had very violent battles, in which two teros I exercise of it Portuguese had died. To the end of ' ' baguna' ' , a simple question: Where he is King D. Sebastio? He will be that died? But where it is the body? Perhaps it had run away or he would have been kidnapped? At last, the body disappeared and never it was found. Thus, Fernando Person writes this poem, that portraies ' ' loucura' ' of D. Sebastio, madness this that makes the man well, as it affirms Fernando Person to the end of the poem when it says that ' ' without madness the man … is a postponed corpse that procria' '. Fernando person locks up the part ' ' Quinas' ' of the book Messages (5 part) telling the history of D. Sebastio for considering 5 the most raised point. This involves a Metaphysical question, therefore when a pyramid is looked at from top to bottom, for example, we visualize four points equal, the four cantos of the pyramid. Looking at of front, we visualize a point superior, the tip of the pyramid, the fifth point, the most raised. Thus he was considered D. Sebastio in Portugal, somebody superior. The main message transmitted in this poem for Fernando Person was the question of the dreams. In the poem, Fernando Person called madness. D. Sebastio dreamed in conquering Jerusalem for the catolicismo, but for many, this dream was seen as madness, however it was only one dream. Thus, if respectively to substitute the words wild and madness in the poem for sonhador and dream, the message will be transmitted of perfect and much more direct form: ' ' Sonhador, yes, sonhador, because Which wanted largeness the luck did not want to give did not fit in me my certainty; Therefore where the areal was my being that had, not what it has My dream, others take that me With what in it went Without the dream that is the man More than the healthy crossbow, a postponed corpse that procreates? ' '
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