Text Chat
In cases where a spontaneous text chat, instant messaging (synchronous communication), the words evaporate, and the written thoughts harden like concrete, from the person requires a different skill. But in any case, the e-mail is a little of themselves in cyberspace, some people feel it as a part of himself, his creativity, and directing it to the recipient, are hoping that the recipient will treat the text with understanding and respect. Quality of the relationship depends on how people can express themselves through writing. NYC marathon has similar goals. Dauby text can lead to misunderstandings, conflicts, so as an attempt to understand what the author had in mind, creates a tendency for the projection of their own expectations, anxieties, fantasies onto someone else. Just as in conversation, face to face when one of eloquent speaker, and the other says awkward and small. In the end, it will lead to the fact that the caller will not be opened, and the relationship will come to naught.
Therefore, online consultant should feel the client and tailor your communication style under it. It is believed that written language is already known to be a safe space where people can express themselves without fear. And for deep relationships need only companion on the side of the screen. It is not always true, but if managed to build a relationship and the client is free and open about their emotions, especially not picking up words and phrases, then he can talk about what he really hurts. Here is a link between the expression of immediate emotions, "live" and writing style, complexity of vocabulary and sentence structure.
Tags: medicine psychology