The Institution
Realizing that education in a particular case is not available student, many no longer even look for options for training, while the rate of technology development requires continuous learning throughout their lives. Moreover, continuing education must be convenient, efficient and economical. distance LEARNING: Many people (especially burdened by work, family and commitments) can not sit at a desk every day for several hours a day at a specific location on a rigid schedule. Distance learning gives everyone the opportunity to acquire the necessary knowledge, skills, abilities on the job, home, family, without breaking their plots and plans. Distance learning is convenient, economical, efficient, effectively. Full-time – quite expensive.
2.EKONOMICHNOST classroom training: Full-time training requires travel. Transportation costs often exceed the cost of the training. The time spent on the road, often exceeding duration of the study. When you want to add to this the cost of living at the location of the institution, such training is too wasteful exercise. Time is no less valuable asset than money. Time – the capital that is not possible, nor to accumulate for the future, nor buy. It can either rationalize or irrationally. Collection of in classrooms on the rigid schedule – it's irrational use of time, money, effort.
distance LEARNING: Savings in distance learning is how to save money and to save time, effort and nerves. Learning to remotely person is free from traffic stress, and road fatigue. The cost of distance education is less than full-time two or more times (ten), and the learning rate – many times higher.