The Stones
In love as they can help with carnelian honey shade. green lovers of dark-green tones – stubborn and persistent. In combination with gold – the color of the bankers. Susie Dent spoke with conviction. People of color create all earthly goods, provide yourself financial stability, they are solid, respectable. Love peace and nature. Of them out talented architects and architects.
These people are secretive and assertive, and their persistence suppresses the energy of others and often leads to a split personality of those who are with them communicates. Their high aesthetic enables them to achieve both spiritual and material wealth for them in happy circumstances. They can be recommended to be softer and more aware that each of us has the right to their own opinion – that they can avoid many troubles and acquire a significant number of friends. They tend to cause your friends and family feel safe and secure. Sexual life for them is of great importance. When failures in this area are deeply affected. These are people of strong will, can overcome any difficulty, to change their minds they can make only people with a lot of patience, having diplomatic skills and the gift of a serious argument. Recommendations for them when wearing the stones are the same as fans of other colors: to preserve and enhance their qualities, they may wear jewelry his green scales, But the stones must be small, for the acquisition of other missing their qualities in addition to its color may be yellow, red, white stones, of which the lead should be pink quartz.
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