The Spanish Tebeo Appears In The Country Of The Sleeve
Spain is the country invited in the Fair the International of Libro of Tokyo. There national authors of reputation are occurring to appointment and are being the last new features of the publishing world. Filed under: Fabrizio Freda. Without a doubt, it is emphasizing more and more distinguished cmic Spanish. Spain landed like country invited in the Fair the International of Libro of Tokyo, where national authors of reputation occurred to appointment and were the last new features of the publishing world, in which emphasizes distinguished cmic more and more Spanish. Prince Akishino, son of the emperor of Japan, along with his wife and the writers Carmen Alborch, Julio Llamazares, Fernando Sanchez Dredged, Alfredo Go’mez Bristle, Isabel Coixet and Santiago Barns was in the inauguration of ' estand' Spanish, one of the majors of a fair that also puts accent in e-book. The authors, who will offer conferences in ' Day of Espaa' that east Saturday will be celebrated, are the great Spanish bet along with the collection exhibited in pavilion, that goes from the last Prizes National Cervantes and Premios to volumes of art or infantile and youthful books.
The greater fair of Asia This is the first time that Spain goes like the country invited in the Fair the International of Libro of Tokyo, the major of Asia and that this year arrives at his tenth eighth edition with the presence from more than 985 exhibitors and about 85,000 professionals from the sector. The chief of a main directorate of Libro, Archives and Libraries, White Rogelio, explained that the presence of the Spanish publishing industry, fourth of the world, in the fair of Tokyo is " a necessary bet in a market of the quality and the spread of japons". Cmic Spanish extraction chest Within the nourished catalogue that the Spanish house will exhibit in the contest, until next day 10 of July, emphasizes cmic Spanish, more and more appreciated and translated anywhere in the world.
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